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  1. JayW

    1 Mil Giveaway. @John Daymon is a faggot

    Id like the 1 mil because I really need the money atm, and Id really appreciate it if u pick me! :)
  2. JayW

    The Avenian Empire

    OOC name;Jay In-game name; Jamie Wood In-game car;Audi s5 (x2 upgraded) In-game money; 200k (Spending a lot of money on crafting) In-game playtime; 1 month and 20 days What gun(s) do you use?;I normally use shotguns. (Remingtons) and sometimes m4a1s. Why would you like to join?;I would like to...
  3. JayW

    Happy birthday! Have a good one.

    Happy birthday! Have a good one.
  4. JayW

    Bakassi bloodpact

    First & Last Name:Jamie Wood Cars owned: Audi s5 (x2 upgraded) Phone number:323-1200 Strenghts & weaknesses: I do personally think im a decent shooter, but I can get a bit paranoid now. Total amount of money: 300k atm Able to be independant?: Yes. Willing to namechange and change to the official...
  5. JayW

    Describe PERP in one word.

  6. JayW

    The Arnolds Family Applications

    IG Name: Jamie Wood OOC Name Or Link: Jay IG Funds: 300k Car: Audi s5 (X2 upgraded) Why would you like to join?: I would like to join because I am currenetly looking for a organisation and this organisation looks serious. Marksmanship: like 35 Crafting Level: 25 (still working on getting it higher)
  7. JayW

    Mango's Goodbye post

    -Posted for @Mango as he is currently community wide banned. To be honest, I've done some stupid shit and my jokes have gone too far. If any of you know why I'm banned, I'd ask you to not leak the reason and understand that I've had no malicious intentions. I'm probably not going to be back...
  8. JayW

    Happy birthday :) hope you have a good one!

    Happy birthday :) hope you have a good one!
  9. JayW

    Wah Ching Applications

    TEMPLATE OOC Steam name: Jay Steam link: Age: 15 IC Name: Jamie Wood Firearms: 23 (still crafting as we speak) Rifle marksmanship: 20 Cars: audi s5 (x2 upgraded) Cash: 150k Why would you like to join us?: I would like to join this organisation because...
  10. JayW

    Wah Ching Applications

    OOC Steam name: Jay Steam link: Age: 15 IC Name: Jamie Wood Firearms: 18 (Planning to get it alot higher) Rifle marksmanship: like 15 (I dont use rifles much) Cars: Audi s5 (upgraded x2) Cash: 56k Why would you like to join us?: I would like to join this organisation because it looks like a...
  11. JayW

    WAGWAN Applications

    OOC Steam name : Jay Age : 15 IC Name : Jamie Wood Firearms level : 7 (I dont craft) Cars that you own : Audi s5 (Upgraded once) Marksmanship : 18
  12. JayW

    Pretty sure its a glitch lol. Ive never hacked on csgo

    Pretty sure its a glitch lol. Ive never hacked on csgo
  13. JayW


  14. JayW

    Lol, nice name!

    Lol, nice name!
  15. JayW

    Mohammad Family Applications

    -IG Name: Jamie Wood -OOC Name: Jay -OOC Age: 15 -Amount of Hours In-Game: 1 Month and 5 days -Amount of RP experience: A lot. -Previous org experience (if any): I havent been apart of any orgs recently ( Im a old time player and i used to be in orgs back in da day) -How many days a week...
  16. JayW

    Christmas Premium Giveaway!

    Steam Name: DeadlyJamie Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92167264 Number: 29
  17. JayW

    The Ducatti - Applications

    Name: Jamie Wood Money in Bank: 90k Car(s) Owned: Crown victoria Previous Organisations: I've been in a couple, cant remember the names tho. Why you want to join The Ducatti: I want to join because it looks like a good organization, and i want to join in the fun, and I want to help the...
  18. JayW

    Ar on Jack Young

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Zane Baako / Jamie2200 His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jack Young His/Her SteamID: i dont know because when we came to ask him, he just pretended to be AFK and after a while he just ran. Why Should This Player Be Punished: Right first he meta gamed saying he knew my...
  19. JayW

    Jamie Wood

    i clearly broke the rules sorry for my actions.
  20. JayW

    Action request on Caineyy

    sorry for running other that officer i saw him at the last second i did try to brake but it just drifted I'm extremely sorry.
  21. JayW

    Possible metagame?

    -Support Lack of evidence in the demo.
  22. JayW

    AR On Oliver Jorgensen

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jamie2200/ Jamie Wood His/Her Steam/In-game Name: The Omega / Oliver Jorgensen His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74363381 Why Should This Player Be Punished: This user has broken 3.4 in the Demo. Me and my friend decided to go along around all the slums apartment , seeing if...
  23. JayW


    Good luck with this new org i hope it goes well!
  24. JayW

    The NEW Lopez Family

    better remove me off the list i aint a lopez.
  25. JayW

    AR on Jamie Wood, Zac Henry, Jason Manvrick and Charles Henderson.

    il tell u charles hendersen steam its : ☢Delta_Force_RT☢
  26. JayW

    AR on Jamie Wood, Zac Henry, Jason Manvrick and Charles Henderson.

    Pusheem i dont know why the others jumped but i accidentally fell
  27. JayW

    AR on Jamie Wood, Zac Henry, Jason Manvrick and Charles Henderson.

    It wasn't suicide my friend wanted to do some assassin creed shit (Idk why) i went on the barrier to look to see how he does den i accidentally fell i didn't mean to fall idk why the others jumped ._.
  28. JayW

    AR on Harry Whitelock.

    just saying why was jake lopez saying he gonna kill me infront of cctv and infront of a camera in that demo.. wait i meant npcs xd