Possible metagame?

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Your Steam/In-game Name: -=Bilbo 'Rekt' Swaggins=- / Esteban Winsmore

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Caineyy / N/A

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98351704

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

As i was going to raid the slums apartment that he was living in, i bobbied the door. I was unsure about whether or not anyone was home, since it was completely quiet.

After getting the door opened, i stepped away and took a little peek inside. I was then hit by a bullet. So i try to run out. I see Lamar Clark with a pistol, but since he is reloading and not giving me any orders, i decide to make a run for my car. I am then shot down by Lamar Clark.

The fishy part is the fact that Lamar arrived pretty fast after the incident. When i asked Caineyy about this in OOC, he first claimed that he called for backup when i bobbied the door, but that is weird since i didn't hear a single sound coming from the apartment. He then changes his story midways and claims that he called for backup when i was running down the stairs, but at the time that i ran down, the car had already arrived. This seems a bit too fishy to be true. I would love it if Caineyy could post a demo where it shows him calling for backup.

Evidence (Demo Required):



Tick: N/A

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As i said , i got called by linda witch arrived later .
Caineyy called her not me .

PS i also heard shots
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Ill post my side of the story shortly. Well basically what happened is that he tried to raid me. but he ran after I shot him. once I shot him he ran off and thats when I called for help , I called Linda and i shouted help , Lamar was at the PD he said and so he heard the shots. He came rushing down the road and noticed you . He gun pointed you and you got shot...
when i recived the call from caine yelling for help i was at morons,
earlier cops raided caine so i knew he is still in slums 4,
lamar was close to slums so he went to help caine.
there was no meta gaming in this sitaution.

i think you also broke 3.4, lamar yelled you to stop and you kept running and then got shot.
Since there is no demo(s) with enough evidence as of yet, Nothing can be done. But I recently heard @Caineyy speaking to "Himself" on the mic at bazzar. I didn't see him on the phone or anything but I don't remember what demo it was in and far to impossible to find out. What I could be stating may be a lie but I didn't see him on the phone but I have no evidence to prove it :( .
Just putting my two cents here.
The fishy part is the fact that Lamar arrived pretty fast after the incident. When i asked Caineyy about this in OOC, he first claimed that he called for backup when i bobbied the door, but that is weird since i didn't hear a single sound coming from the apartment. He then changes his story midways and claims that he called for backup when i was running down the stairs, but at the time that i ran down, the car had already arrived. This seems a bit too fishy to be true.

What i think he did is quickly send a text message to his friend, to prevent you hearing you were inside. Altough when i read the two guys' post and the OOC it seems like they try to cover up something. The "demo" that was posted shows 0 evidence wether metagame was in affect or not. Ofcourse we cannot hear the skype/ts sound (if) but the demo may proof wether you suddendly, out of nowhere turned around your car.

So @Shokron13 It would be great if you upload your entire demo here
When that uploaded share the URL with the decryption key here.
Here you go In the demo you can hear linda saying Im coming etc..
to be honest in your demo it doesn't really have any full evidence that they were meta gaming i mean hey could of just got his story mixed in ooc also he could have been far from the door and where you was standing you might not of heard it.
to be honest in your demo it doesn't really have any full evidence that they were meta gaming i mean hey could of just got his story mixed in ooc also he could have been far from the door and where you was standing you might not of heard it.

That doesn't mean it shouldn't be investigated at all. The other side needs to provide a demo and prove their circumstances.

@Caineyy - your video could have been edited or manipulated, plus the original poster would like to check something; it'd be beneficial if you posted your demo.
I am not sure but should the demo show that you have your phone out? It looks suspicious indeed, including that Shokron did cut off the beginning and that Shokron first lied about that he got called by Caineyy. I would suggest to upload the whole demo with a tick. In a big part, I do believe that they metagamed since they're behavior is suspicious already.
to be honest in your demo it doesn't really have any full evidence that they were meta gaming i mean hey could of just got his story mixed in ooc also he could have been far from the door and where you was standing you might not of heard it.
-Support Lack of evidence in the demo.

You do realise the other guys's demo was requested because of this?

Just saying : "AR LACKS EVIDENCE - SUPPORT" isnt a reason to post, post something useful.
View the title "POSSIBLE metagame"
Bilbo has the idea the accused metagamed, and this AR was posted to find out.
by the discussion in OOC story's were changed and so was that on this AR.

Post something we can use, or don't post at all.

This is all quite simple. If you cannot provide a full, unedited video/demo of you receiving information in game about your friends raid then you're clearly hiding something. You've already lied about apparently receiving a phone call, which leads me to believe that you'll most likely lie again.

+Support, Bilbo may be a gay refugee but there is strong evidence here to suggest these individuals were using some form of 3rd party communications.
Just gonna say this so we get things straight;

I request a full demo to be uploaded by;



The videos that have been provided so far, all seem a bit fishy. Also, remember; Videos can be manipulated, demos cannot. This is why i request a demo and not a video.
@-=Bilbo Swaggins=-
As you can see in my video the tick was 1646 basicly untill i arrived i was buying stuff and i wanted to go to the gas staison and i heard shots i didnt include it beacuse i didnt think it was necesery for the vid .
the rest is what happend after .
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