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  1. Feras


    Ermak is actually good
  2. Feras

    Big loss in players?

    Well, we all knew that perp is going to die anytime soon, I say we should white list the cops that all I have tbh, and we need to be a little bit more nicer to the new players as the higher org will treat them like shit because they are new, and the make fun of them calling them sweater with out...
  3. Feras

    AR on 2 unknown people

    that does not mean that you can kill me, this is not darkRP and the warrant was not set on you it was sat up on a guy called ben something to prove that look at the video again. you could've just run away and not get killed by another person cause you were 100% safe at that point
  4. Feras

    AR on 2 unknown people

    "I saw you arrest my friend" thats what you said and that does not give you the reason to kill me btw unlease its 10 years in preson which he was going for 2 years and when you were under the stairs you couldn't see your friend as I am covering him from the front there is no way you saw him...
  5. Feras

    AR on 2 unknown people

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Feras/ Feras Alzarah His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kirk and i dont know his IC name and the other dude still unknown His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:80077470 Why Should This Player Be Punished one of them shoot me for no reason, he was just going to be arrested for transport of...
  6. Feras

    AR on dylan russel

    I can't stay mad, as you do sound really nice, please close this AR thanks and dont call your self dumb I know ur not
  7. Feras

    AR on dylan russel

    Well, I wasn't going to make an AR, the reason why I made an AR is because you need to know the rules and when I saw shay made an AR on you from what I saw that you didn't listen to me as I thought that you wont do it again, but I saw you doing it again then I said this guy is not playing by the...
  8. Feras


    Main idea: White listing some stuff Description: Well we all know that we need to apply in the so you can become a police officer, well that's a really good idea,but I prefer white listing the police force and let the PO stay more than 5 days could be 2 weeks or so, and let more...
  9. Feras

    AR on dylan russel

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Feras Alzarah/ Feras His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dylan Russel His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:51492557 Why Should This Player Be Punished:Rammed my car for no reason, running away with a bad reason, that cause a pursuit which resulting on getting another charge and running away...
  10. Feras

    Another AR on suspine

    TBH its 3.4 if you tell someone to shoot at you
  11. Feras

    I really do appreciate this comment,thanks

    I really do appreciate this comment,thanks
  12. Feras

    Thanks you so much that was a really nice of you <3

    Thanks you so much that was a really nice of you <3
  13. Feras

    Well, now I am a SGT :D

    Well, now I am a SGT :D
  14. Feras

    AR on trausgott sandner

    That is correct and he clearly didn't know what was going on, he even said it in OOC chat at 3:30
  15. Feras

    AR on trausgott sandner

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Feras/Feras Alzarah His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Trauggot Sandner/Trauggot Sandner.23PzD His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:13584348 Why Should This Player Be Punished:He Shot and killed me for no reason and he even said in the OOC "Inside P2 where was Jessica, both of them were...
  16. Feras

    The Italian Mafia (Applications)

    Firearms level:69 Marksmanship levels:rifle 77 the others under 30 Playtime:1M 6D and 18H Age:15 Rate your aim (1-10)6.5 Amount of money:162K I have been speding it on ammos to increase mt markman ship Cars you own:1 black cadilac Give us a short story why you would like to join:I wanna join...
  17. Feras

    AR on jack shanks

    @Moon The Goon show me in the video that you told them we had hostages to the TFU
  18. Feras

    AR on jack shanks

    Your Steam/In-game Name:♞Feras♞/Feras Alzarah His/Her Steam/In-game Name:JackHilton123/jack Shanks His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:78926255 Why Should This Player Be Punished: @Super_ told me to make an AR This person. shot unarmed people which is us after mugging us and you can see in min 1:30 I can...
  19. Feras

    ShadowTyler GoodBye | This time real

    going to miss u bud <3
  20. Feras

    Im back.

    Glad ur back :D welcome
  21. Feras

    AR on Luke Robert

    I was involved, The Luke ran away from my gun point and then when he ran into his shop he pulled out a gun which after that shot him down then I bolive he disconnected i am not sure because i didnt finish him off and he died instantly as a maby rage quit
  22. Feras

    A new Casino Game

    i dont know understand it alliat
  23. Feras

    A new Casino Game

    Main idea: BlackJack Description: it is a card game that is usually be played at casino its really easy to learn and fun to play. Pros: you can put ur money and gamble and get a chance to win more the money. Cons: You can lose your money and I really think that you guys should add this...
  24. Feras

    Chess Idea

    in hungries you have put poker as might as well put chess on the chair so people can gamble winner takes the money plz add this
  25. Feras


    xD non he is a streat good perosn xD
  26. Feras


    @Gimic is the best person I have ever met on this server he is a really nice person and he is a good at RP he boosted me from the bottom tell the top in a day which i really do appreciate :D
  27. Feras

    Mohammad Family Applications

    this person on my prespective is really nice and respectable guy
  28. Feras

    Green Street Elite "GSE" Applications

  29. Feras

    AR on marcus hudson

    alright thats all what i wanted to hear the appolegy. appolegey accepted :D
  30. Feras

    AR on marcus hudson

    1.What about the gun point? 2.tried to run me over twice 3.saying fuck off in the ooc chat with a bad excuse 4.I cant bolive that it was a coincidence that you ran me over twice is not to far you took my gun and you didnt comply after a gun point if you dont know what to say just stop...