Green Street Elite "GSE" Applications

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Green Street Elite


OOC Info:-

Steam Name:-
OOC Age:-

In-game Info:-

Why would you like to join:-
Rifle Marksmanship:-
Firearms level:-
Shooting Skill (1-10) :-
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :-
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :-
Why should we personally accept you:-
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:-
Is there anyone you hate:-

Entry requirments: Must own 4mil+cars ahahhahah l8r b.

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OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- henkspenk
OOC Age:- 18
Playtime:- 3 weeks
Gender:- dont assume

In-game name:

Why would you like to join:- searchin a active org
Rifle Marksmanship:- 77
Firearms level:- 40 im guessing
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 3 mil
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- scion frs double upgraded
Why should we personally accept you:- why not :booty:
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- A lot
Is there anyone you hate:- @Generic Twat
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Illuminathan
OOC Age:- 14, 15 in 1,5 month
Playtime:- Really close to 3 weeks
Gender:- Transgender (Jk, male)

In-game name:

Why would you like to join:-I like to poof poof penquins in blue and i like GSE
Rifle Marksmanship:- Only 8 because i just started using rifle
Firearms level:- 35
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 508k, saving up for car big boi
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Dodge charger 2012, 3x upgrade with titanium
Why should we personally accept you:- I'm thicc and i recorded you driving in bank
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- WEST HAM UNITED WEST HAM UNITED WEST HAM UNITED
Is there anyone you hate:-
Steam Name:- Janice
OOC Age:- 14
Playtime:- 2 Month
Gender:- Male

Why would you like to join:- I am lonely and would like an active org
Rifle Marksmanship:- 100
Firearms level:- 93
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 8
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 1.6 Mil
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- None the now, Gonna buy soon
Why should we personally accept you:- I would be a valuable asset for your org because I can do shit like shoot cunts and that
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- Lots
Is there anyone you hate:- Naw
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- ICEKILLER_99
OOC Age:- dont tell my age
Playtime:- 1 month
Gender:- spoon

In-game name: Jack Richards

Why would you like to join:- because imorgless (u get it??? :D:D:D:D:)
Rifle Marksmanship:- about 45 i think
Firearms level:- 64
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 1.7 mill
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- mazda rx7 200k bodykit + upgraded once
Why should we personally accept you:- im ur friend and im orgless ;-;
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- sorry but nothing dai :(
Is there anyone you hate:- no
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OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- sorle
OOC Age:- 14
Playtime:- 2 weeks, almost 3
Gender:- Male

In-game name: Victoria Smithson

Why would you like to join:- im a fat cunt and my org is dying, this one seems lit as fuck and i like digestive biscuits
Rifle Marksmanship:- 100
Firearms level:- 76
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 800k
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Ford Transit, saving for a Maserati, but not the one that everyone and their fucking dog has, the 2.1mil one.
Why should we personally accept you:- I can eat biscuits and cap fat cunts
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- A bit idk
Is there anyone you hate:- Myself
almost forgot @Sarah Knight

Accessability, Oppertunities and Payment Details:-

Payment details:- 50K must be transfered into the orgs bank account upon joining, Bank Number - 68259

This fee will be used in order to supply bandages, pumpkin seeds and Antique gardening pots to the organisation accesable to all members.
Do you agree to pay the entry fee prior to joining the org in order to recieve the following?
  • Personal protection whenever it's needed.
  • Access to org storage and the items inside, are to be used when needed.
  • Keys and Storage to all organisation members properties.
  • Acces to org chat and help whenever requested.
  • West Ham season ticket.
  • 1 favour from the Captain himself - request can be denied.
I am willing to follow all 10 commandments put forward to me and if I fail to adhere to these am punishable by removal from organisation premisis, loss of permisions, exile from the org, mostly death.

I Agree to all of the following [X]
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OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Bert
OOC Age:- 16
Playtime:- 2 Weens
Gender:- Male

In-game name:

Why would you like to join:- Im interested in joining so I don't get farted every time I go outside my appartment.
Rifle Marksmanship:- 30
Firearms level:- 25
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 10
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 1.2Mil
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Saving up for a Corevvete.
Why should we personally accept you:- Because I'm a highly skilled individual who is super kick ass and badass.
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- Absolutley fucking nothing in fucking American
Is there anyone you hate:- I hate @b.flemming29 cuz he is beautiful.
Steam Name:- heisenberg
OOC Age:- 13 nearly 14
Playtime:- 3weeks
Gender:- Male

In-game name: sarah kingsman.

Why would you like to join:- Im orgless and am use to being in a org and i like to be in an org were people base and raid and very active on the server.
Firearms level:- 22
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 6 im pretty good i can kill people.
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- right now 120k but i have like 75k worth of drugs.
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- range rover upgreaded once. good to hold 5 people.
Why should we personally accept you:- Because im a great person to get along with and i am realy active on perpheads.
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- nothing that much :(
Is there anyone you hate:- no i get along with people.
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  • OOC Info:
    Steam Name: orzel1244
    OOC Age: 18 y/o
    Playtime: 3520 hours
    Gender: Male
  • In-game name:
    Why would you like to join: I'm looking for sweaterless organization with professional and experienced members
    Rifle Marksmanship: 58
    Firearms level: 106
    Shooting Skill (1-10) : 7
    How much dosh do you have ($$$) : Car - like 600k, Guns around 100k, materials around 100k, and something about 100k in bank
    What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) : Scion FR-s
    Why should we personally accept you: I'm experienced person, with special skills
    How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE: Nothing
    Is there anyone you hate: Actually no.
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Kay
OOC Age:- Kay
Playtime:- 3 Weeks and a bit
Gender:- Male , I think?

In-game name:

Why would you like to join:- Because I need a really really really good org to play Garry's Mod PerpHeads Gamemode with...
Rifle Marksmanship:- 27
Firearms level:- 31
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 8
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 400k , maybe a bit more
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Mini Cooper , its such a good whip
Why should we personally accept you:- Because I can bring really good stuff to the org and I can supply the clan with a Minecraft account xd
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- West Ham Is a football team xd , GSE is a organisation in Garry's mod perp heads game mode
Is there anyone you hate:- My neighbour , her cats shit in my garden all the time
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- aloo89
OOC Age:- 17
Playtime:- 1mon
Gender:- man

In-game name: Leonard Mayfair

Why would you like to join:- i serch for good org and you are one of the best
Rifle Marksmanship:- 40
Firearms level:- 77
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 8
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :-2.5 mil
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- shelby double upgraded
Why should we personally accept you:- why not
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- nothing
Is there anyone you hate:- no
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OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Sonzy
OOC Age:- 17
Playtime:- 2 months
Gender:- Frying Pan

In-game name:

Why would you like to join:- dunno
Rifle Marksmanship:- 30 odd
Firearms level:- 70 odd
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 300k odd
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Citoren C2
Why should we personally accept you:- No reason
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- west ham sucks and always have
Is there anyone you hate:- @Daigestive @Exrobite @Creepis
Why would you like to join:- dont want to this app is a troll
Rifle Marksmanship:- 30
Firearms level:- 125
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 9
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 10000
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- mini cooper w/ golden trims
Why should we personally accept you:- idk
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- i support spurs and i think you're scum for nicking our stadium
Is there anyone you hate:- you
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Kelson
OOC Age:- 16
Playtime:- 1 week, two weeks soon
Gender:- Male

In-game Info:-

Name: Frank Taylor
Why would you like to join:- Because I want to find a good org, and my friend told me, this could be it (Bojing Mohammad)
Rifle Marksmanship:- 39
Firearms level:- 29, but trying to level it up
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- I'm really not sure but I think it would be 6
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 150k currently in bank
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Chrysler 300C soon to be upgraded
Why should we personally accept you:- Because I want to help you on raids, growing, and other stuff
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- My friend was telling me about you, so I know a few things
Is there anyone you hate:- Drug Hustlers org, they stole my shit from trunk
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Squeeker Melon
OOC Age:- 14
Playtime:- 1289 hours on GMOD, two weeks on PH
Gender:- both, cuz why not? (male)

In-game Info:-

Name: Kevina Bryson
Why would you like to join:- because
Rifle Marksmanship:- 15 odd
Firearms level:- 19 because I don't craft
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 70k
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- broken life broken car jeep grand cherokee
Why should we personally accept you:- babe knows a bit of spanish
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- chelsea all the way
Is there anyone you hate:- o'neills ofcourse!!!!!!! (jk)
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OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Crawdy
OOC Age:- 21
Playtime:- 27hrs on this server. 3.7k on Gmod
Gender:- Male

In-game Info:-

Name: Paul Lebois
Why would you like to join:- Playing alone won't get me anywhere especially against a group of well armed people. Playing in group will benefit everyone mutually.
Rifle Marksmanship:- 1 (pumping it up once I got rifle and stable income)
Firearms level:- 8 (pumping it up once I got stable income to craft efficiently)
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 8
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- Around 40k + 50k with all assets.
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- Mini Cooper atm - Growing economy to buy RS4
Why should we personally accept you:- I got potential and I don't do anything stupid that will get me or other people in trouble. If I break any rules or chain of commands I will assume my full responsibility and not taint this org image.
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- I watch Rugby
Is there anyone you hate:- I hate no one.
OOC Info:-

Steam Name:- Squeeker Melon
OOC Age:- 14
Playtime:- 1289 hours on GMOD, two weeks on PH
Gender:- both, cuz why not? (male)

In-game Info:-

Name: Kevina Bryson
Why would you like to join:-
Rifle Marksmanship:- 15 odd
Firearms level:- 19 because I don't craft
Shooting Skill (1-10) :- 7
How much dosh do you have ($$$) :- 70k
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :- broken life broken car jeep grand cherokee
Why should we personally accept you:- babe knows a bit of spanish
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE:- chelsea all the way
Is there anyone you hate:- o'neills ofcourse!!!!!!! (jk)
Could you not dumb rate this.
Steam Name: Isey, changes too much.
OOC Age: Nearly 17.
Playtime:- 2 months / 2094 hours on G-Mod
Gender: I'm a furry.
OOC Info

Steam Name:
OOC Age:
Playtime: 3 days soon 4
Gender: Male

In-game Info

Don Jensen
Why would you like to join: Looking for an organization, whom takes roleplay and the server serious. Who cares about loyalty to the members of the org, and who likes to keep the gaming funny. Mostly I'd also like to get a social relationship to some nice people.
Rifle Marksmanship: 1 stil haven't trained rifle, but pistol is 20 and shotgun is 10.
Firearms level:
27 but leveling a lot at the moment.
Shooting Skill (1-10) :
I'd say 6-7 have been better, but after a pause from computer I've had quite a need to warm up again.
How much dosh do you have ($$$) : Currently as I'm writing 30k but I keep earning and keep losing, may be 200k may be 10k it depends on situation.
What whip you driving (Citroen C2 is unavailable) :
A fugly Ford Deluxe 1940 which goes 30mph, but I'm aiming to buy an Audi RS4 Avant in the near future.
Why should we personally accept you: I love the server, I love roleplaying. I am very social and love to bond with people, I like doing activities such as raiding, growing, selling, roleplaying.
How much do you know about West Ham and the Notorious GSE: I know a few members of the org, other than that I only know they're notorious ;) *wink wink*
Is there anyone you hate: There is a few but no need to mention as it's personal haha. Other than that I like all people, I'm a friendly minded person.
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