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  1. lol

  2. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    i'll probably come
  3. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    @Exnem right
  4. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    @Exnem well nah exnem, it wasn't there at first jesus
  5. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    where's the voting
  6. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    through a market?
  7. Mining Suggestion for Samuel

    Since it would be at the stonehenge, a couple questions I have Would you be able to get mugged at the miner area? Would you be able to be mugged for your minerals / rocks? e.c.t.
  8. Workbench Upgrading - level 0 - level 50 It's about 39 seconds difference compared to 50 levels which isn't much as I said but it's that small difference I'm on about
  9. Workbench Upgrading

    @Jimmy Jackson If it is correct as tinycalc then it is different depending on crafting level
  10. Workbench Upgrading

    This is level 0 crafting for 1300 stimpacks which takes over an hour more compared to being level 50 crafting
  11. Workbench Upgrading

    Yeah, there is currently a system in place where you have a higher crafting level, it is slightly faster but I mean more if you upgrade your table with something, it will give certain perks
  12. Workbench Upgrading

    Description of the idea: Being able to upgrade your workbench in different aspects to benefit your crafting process. An example may be being able to upgrade how much your workbench can hold or how many things it stacks because at the moment only two things can stack into it which seems pretty...
  13. want to stay at evocity

    what happened on monday eh
  14. Light Switches on v5

    Main Idea: For the upcoming v5 what seems to be in the making, for all buidlings and that what seem like they would need one, add some light switches to be able to turn the light on/off whenever by flicking the light switch. Full description of the idea: Light switches in all buildings /...
  15. Logs for Organisation Storage in org menu

    Description of the idea: Put it simply, there will be a tab somewhere in the org menu where it will show things being put in and taken out by which person Why should this be added? (pros): Ability to know what is taken out / put in to the organisation storage and by whom. Know who is taking...
  16. happy birthday

    happy birthday
  17. happy birthday

    happy birthday
  18. two years in a row next to each other ay

    two years in a row next to each other ay
  19. no

  20. ban appeal

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @McGlinchy How long were you banned for: 12 hours Your Steam Name: Josef Your In-game Name: Josef Park Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5442038 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.20 User disconnected whilst restrained twice. Why...
  21. the snowman be saying hi

    the snowman be saying hi
  22. curak's Crafting!

    Steam name: Josef In-Game Name: Josef Park Age: 17 Crafting Level: 30 Firearms Level: 57 Money in the bank: 440k
  23. thanks

  24. thanks

  25. Oh yeah.... whilst you were on duty. aha. thanks

    Oh yeah.... whilst you were on duty. aha. thanks
  26. thanks

  27. try it pussy

    try it pussy
  28. what the fuck you going to do

    what the fuck you going to do
  29. no one asked you apparently

    no one asked you apparently
  30. zansa is from lon<redacted>don

    zansa is from lon<redacted>don