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  1. Alexander Smith

    Veterans day 2024

    Friends, Soldiers. Today 11/11 is Veterans Day. A day not like every other day but one where we who have served and are still serving are brought closer together. A day where we think, feel and remember... Bad jokes, smells, things we have seen, among other things. It is a day where recognition...
  2. Alexander Smith

    PERP memory lane

    Hello there! So it has been some time, and I have been going through my drives, looking and generally going down memory lane of my time here, To give some brief introduction I joined back in 2014, the time has flown by and the amount of people the I have met here throughout the years is...
  3. Alexander Smith

    The medic from above
  4. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Smoof/ Heikki Smith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DB KILLER / Dylan Rusell ligma_disk_drive / ? Osama Bin Trappin / ? Jack Richards His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51492557 STEAM_0:1:449413770 ? ? Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 Disrespectful behaviour...
  5. Alexander Smith


    Your Steam/In-game Name:Smoof/ Heikki Smith His/Her Steam/In-game Name:FIGHTER_GOLD His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:85434004 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 ran from GP Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:?
  6. Alexander Smith

    Change of plans!

    Hello again... I am going to stay gone for a while now.. The reason is mental illness and depression that i am battling with daily.. This is information that no-one is informed about I rather just say it not because i think someone cares.. It's because my first step on my way to healing is...
  7. Alexander Smith

    Need help!!

    As I stated before I'v met this great girl so i basiiclly said fuck off to my school nazi mates. now I'v gotten this ide that I will buy a dimond neckless for her it's 300 euro am i crazy? Need a answear asleast my mother and father calls me a idiot?
  8. Alexander Smith

    Your attention please!

    Hello as many of you guys know I am getting more and more inactive that is because I've got things going on OOC so I thougt that I am just going to explain why.. So First things first I'v had alot of homework --> Military drills (soon a test exam) --> I've met this wounderful girl that i...
  9. Alexander Smith

    Self Radio app (own playlist)

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: A app that you can listen to own music on and add new tracks everywhere at any time. Full description of the idea: A app that is working simular to spotify where you can add your own music and play it...
  10. Alexander Smith

    Some time off

    So to day it's a bit of a odd day for me.. I have decided to sign myself up for: The Swedish National Home Guard that will take up most of my small free time that i have, I am not gone for ever but for a while now when i have homework,school,Home guard, and then the gym that will begin soon in...
  11. Alexander Smith

    Problem with my computer games

    So i'v got a lot of games and all of a sudden they have all stared lagging for no reason. The FPS and CPU is all good and it is so bad so i can't even move my mouse sometimes So today i decided to remove 200 GB out of games and files and it's still lagging I have: Alienwear x51 with: -Windows...
  12. Alexander Smith

    I'v done a big misstake

    So i'v got a serious problem that i can't help and i need help.. Age: 14 From: Sweden (native country) Native language: Swedish (also speek: English,German) Total spent on steam: 1063 euro steam level: 19 Steam page: Dreams to achive: get a...