Search results

  1. Hax


    There we are, after 1 1/2 years of PH it's time to go. Some people might have awaited this, some might not. I'm not happy about the circumstances this topic and my decision emerges but some of you might already heard it. I was demoted for not meeting the requirement of having a mic, as well the...
  2. Hax

    Remove bazzar music

    Topic: Remove bazzar music Short explanation (in notes): Remove it. Detailed description: Remove it before someone gets hurt. It's annoying and too loud to understand people. Also makes it impossible to listen to radio Optional additions:
  3. Hax


    Topic: Robbery Short explanation (in notes): - More realism - Brings more action for gov officials - More RP situations Detailed description (why should it become added/...): The amount of money you get for a bank robbery is way to low. You will spend more money on ammo than you actually...
  4. Hax

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Robin Hax Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7885996 Reason: First paintjob cost me 200k Evidence:!88ghCYxb!mq185Y...wd-U9sZQaw8ARQ Tick: 25000 Evidence 2:!N1o0yRAR!9hwbM9...iWG7l-Kf5I4Txo Tick: 24500
  5. Hax

    Ban request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Robin Hax His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unkown His/Her SteamID: Reason: RDM Evidence:!gN0TERqC!DGb3jHJzaztQFK07jZwX3baVc4bJfyvan4JJxC6yxOQ Please check the logs, around 11:20 - 11:25 - RDM by carbomb
  6. Hax

    Sell cars to players

    Title says it all. Add this awesome feature!