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  1. arron/faith

    Program melts into the background

    So this is somewhat of a difficult to explain issue I am having. Now and then some programs (which is mostly steam) melt into the background. What I mean is that the program when opened shows up, however when I try to click on anything it doesn't work. I can even move the desktop icons in the...
  2. arron/faith

    Xcom 2 Names

    I made this thread to ask for names to give to my squad members, I am running out of names to give to my squad members and I wondered what you guys would come up with. You can give me any name you want and I will give that name to one of my soldiers and I will tell you how he died or if...
  3. arron/faith

    What a way to win an official CS game

    Had an official ESEA train game against a decent team that had the same score as us in the league, and in an important round my teammate pulled this off to win the round. Also did this myself.
  4. arron/faith

    Refund deagle + mag

    Your in-game name: Arron Cursed Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21706232 What do you need refunded: Deagle + Mag ( No ammo ) crafting price is 6180$ Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Cop broke 3.4 by pulling his gun out under direct gun point. Officer has been banned by @Brinch Evidence: Tick...
  5. arron/faith

    PC upgrade help

    So about 3 weeks ago the my dad's motherboard died, it would be too expensive to repair such an old motherboard and buying a used motherboard for a decent price with the correct socket for his CPU. This is why I decided to upgrade my PC so he can have my old motherboard , CPU and ram. I am...
  6. arron/faith

    MrAaro.... Arron/Faith's Resignation

    Hello there everyone, some of you may have wondered why I resigned. Well, this has mainly to do with school, I wake up early and go to school late, and when I get home, I still got loads of homework to do makes me unable to stay active on the server. This is the main reason I resigned from my...
  7. arron/faith

    Sweatervest Army ATTACK!

  8. arron/faith

    Niko 2 stronkz

    Niko was not amused.
  9. arron/faith

    Taking a break/leaving

    Firstly i would like to thank the community for the fun time i have had on this server, alot of you will probably not even know who i am but i still want to thank you. The reason why i am taking a break/leaving is mainly becouse i have become bored of the game mode, this is also the reason i...
  10. arron/faith

    The Greek Empire Applications

    OOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steam name? : Do you have VIP?: How much playtime do you have?: How old are you?: Where are you from...
  11. arron/faith

    The Greek Empire

    History : The Greek Empire all started when the brothers Johnny Quid & George Quid moved to Evocity because of all the enemy's they made back in Greece. They first joined a organization by the name of The Outlaws where they made money by crafting firearms and growing drugs. This all sadly ended...
  12. arron/faith

    Ban Request Jamie Goodman

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Arron/Faith - Arron Cursed His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [G-S][green]adrenalinejamie☣ - Jamie Goodman His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64062590 Reason: Well we just got raided by the cops and killed them all. From the 8 people we had only me and my friend where left. So some...
  13. arron/faith

    Inactive for a week or so

    Even tought i am only back for 2 weeks ill have to be inactive for a week or so again becouse of exams next week ^^
  14. arron/faith

    Well after a month or 2 of a brake i am back

    So after 2 months of nothing to play except csgo ill start playing again ^^
  15. arron/faith

    Steam Acc Arron/faith hacked

    I have been hacked someone hacked into our network and has evrything we are trying to get it back but he may ( altough i doubed it ) join on perpheads he made a vac ban already on my little borthers steam acc so he is using cheats if you see this acc ( until its fixed ) on the server please perm...
  16. arron/faith

    Sup guys

    Hello i am arron if you know me ( what you will probably not ) you will see me with the rp name arron cursed i like to roleplay alot but sometimes random shit just happens and i cant stop laughing if been on te server for maybe 4 days now but anyways thanks for reeding will see you in game :D