Search results

  1. SamSN

    Bug Report (Stealing your chop shop car marks your own car as stolen.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Stealing your chop shop car marks your own car as stolen. How to reproduce the Bug: Start your chopshop mission, steal the car and your own personal vehicle will be marked as stolen. Time Stamp: 19:00 14/08/23 Errors: N/A
  2. SamSN

    Minecraft - All The Mods 8 2023

    By request of a surprising number of community members in only a week or so period, I've for the 8th or 9th time started a minecraft server! We're once again using All The Mods 8 (1.0.19b) Server IP: Discord: PVP is enabled and encouraged, basic...
  3. SamSN

    Minecraft Server - All the Mods 8

    I am once again releasing a community Minecraft server. This time All the Mods 8. Normal rules; no cheating, no griefing etc All the Mods 8 can be found here. Server IP is: We have a discord server with out relevant info and cool people u should totally join!1...
  4. SamSN

    Server Suggestion Shop crates

    Suggestion Title: Shop crates Suggestion Description: Add the ability to create a "Shop Crate" from an Empty Crate that can be used more effectively in shops. These crates could be filled with either two methods; a GUI similar to the chests, or by dropping the item into the chest similar to the...
  5. SamSN

    Minecraft Server (again) :(

    1.19.1 - IP: video editted by @Mina
  6. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report ("Property Tariffs" taking significantly more than 0.2%)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: "Property Tariffs" taking significantly more than 0.2% How to reproduce the Bug: A mayor enabling the "Property Tariffs" policy will take significantly more than 0.2%. Currently, it seems to be taking 4.72%. At the time of noticing this, Tinky...
  7. SamSN

    Minecraft All The Mods 6 - Semi-Hardcore server!

    I am once against hosting a Minecraft server! This was planned to come out at the end of December but here we are months later actually doing it! This time we're doing some All the Mods 6 again, but a more up to date version with many more mods included. The server is open as of this post...
  8. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Local chat tag is no longer capitalised)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Local chat tag is no longer capitalised How to reproduce the Bug: Talk in local chat Time Stamp: 04/02/2022 Errors: n/a Media:
  9. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Tricycle defaults to 1% health, can't be fixed with wrenches)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Tricycle defaults to 1% health, can't be fixed with wrenches How to reproduce the Bug: - When you first connect to the server and spawn the tricycle it will default to 1% health - When trying to fix it with wrenches, you get "This vehicle does not need...
  10. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Battering ram no longer works on cars)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Battering ram no longer works on cars How to reproduce the Bug: Left-click your battering ram on a car and you'll get "This is not a door" as normal. Right-click your battering ram on a car and nothing will happen. Time Stamp: 23/12/21 02:55...
  11. SamSN

    PERPHeads Minecraft Server(s) #59 or smth

    As some of you are likely already aware, I am currently hosting a vanilla 1.18 Minecraft server, this has been going for a while now but I thought I'd release it so the rest of the server can join! Rules are the same as every normal Minecraft server; no griefing, stealing, rdming, cheating etc...
  12. SamSN

    Model Bug Report (Sleeve bug out when right clicking with machete)

    Type of Bug: Model Description of the Bug: Sleeve bug out when right clicking with machete How to reproduce the Bug: Right-click while holding a machete I'm running on 1440p w/ FOV at 90, not sure if it's an issue otherwise. Media:
  13. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (SWAT Van showdown vehicles are speed limited)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: SWAT Van showdown vehicles are speed limited How to reproduce the Bug: Be driver in swat van showdown Vehicle will be limited to 10mph forward, 20mph reverse. Time Stamp: 01:28 GMT 10/12/21
  14. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Disconnected: Failed to load clothing)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Disconnected: Failed to load clothing How to reproduce the Bug: Attempt to join the server There is a chance you will get kicked for "Failed to load clothing" Time Stamp: 27/11/2021 Errors: Disconnected: Failed to load clothing
  15. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (If you die in the shooting range your items arent restored.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: If you die in the shooting range your items arent restored. How to reproduce the Bug: Use the shooting range to test grenades, blow yourself up with a grenade and when you respawn you'll respawn with an empty inventory. Your inventory will remain...
  16. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Taxes displaying incorrectly on cardealer)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Taxes displaying incorrectly on cardealer How to reproduce the Bug: Select any car on the car dealer NPC Text will be broken Sales Tax was on 0% when I tried. Time Stamp: 21:11 03/11/21 Errors: N/A Media:
  17. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Godstick inventory check no longer works on police)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Godstick inventory check no longer works on police How to reproduce the Bug: Info -> Inventory on random police officer "Inventory printed (Check your console)" printed in console but nothing else. Time Stamp: 22:11 31/10/21 Errors: N/A Media:
  18. SamSN

    Model Bug Report (Terrorist Halloween model breaks latex gloves.)

    Type of Bug: Model Description of the Bug: Terrorist Halloween model breaks hands, and animations don't work. How to reproduce the Bug: Take the Terrorist model from the Halloween NPC while wearing latex gloves EDIT: This seems to be an issue with more than just latex gloves, as I've had the...
  19. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Server occasionally has a breakdown)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Server occasionally has a breakdown How to reproduce the Bug: Every so often the server completely dies, usually in the middle of the night random things such as dropping items, interacting with chem tables, reloading and a few other things happen for...
  20. SamSN

    Server Suggestion Add the football as an obtainable item/event helper item

    Description of the idea: Add the football entity already present in the server as either an obtainable item or one that can be spawned by event helpers to be used in events. Today, me and @money found a football spawned by staff and setup an basketball court with it, I feel that this would...
  21. SamSN

    Refund Request (1x AK-101 w/ Stock, Compensator, Red Dot Sight & Full Mag)

    Your Steam Name: SamSN Your Roleplay Name: Sam Ireland Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23910660 What do you need refunded?: 1x AK-101 w/ Stock, Compensator, Red Dot Sight & Full Mag Why should this request be considered?: Players obstructed access to the main area of their property and used partially...
  22. SamSN

    Refund Request (1x Full Rifle Ammo 5x Full AK-47 Magazine 3x Crowbar)

    Your Steam Name: SamSN Your Roleplay Name: Sam Ireland Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23910660 What do you need refunded?: 1x Full Rifle Ammo 5x Full AK-47 Magazine 3x Crowbar Why should this request be considered?: 5.1 - Player forcibly moved me out of public view at Bazaar to mug me of several...
  23. SamSN

    Action Request (d4nielh)

    Your Steam Name: SamSN Your Roleplay Name: Sam Ireland Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23910660 Player's Steam Name: d4nielh Player's Roleplay Name: Daniel Hyman Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:577252620 Why should this player be punished?: 5.1 - Player forcibly moved me out of public view at Bazaar to...
  24. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Cars impounded by police don't turn up as impounded.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Cars impounded by police don't turn up as impounded. How to reproduce the Bug: Have your car impounded by the police Speak to RC npc, he will say he couldn't find any of your cars in the database Reconnect and follow above for your car to appear Time...
  25. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Teamspeak and contacts app text errors)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Teamspeak and contacts app text errors How to reproduce the Bug: Teamspeak app now shows "Create Channel" where the organisation name should be Add contact page shows UI.Smartphone.Pho... instead of Cancel Time Stamp: 06:36 04/09/21 Errors...
  26. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (When selling coke, DD displays a table address instead of a message)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: When selling coke, DD displays a table address instead of a string How to reproduce the Bug: Select the option to sell coke to the DD Time Stamp: 01:30 BST 03/09/21 Errors: table: 0x026116582458 Media:
  27. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Chemtable language errors)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Chemtable language errors How to reproduce the Bug: Place pyrex dishes on chem table: UI.Notify.ChemTable.Attach Attempt to pickup chem table while it's in use: UI.Notify.ChemTable.PickUp.Fail Time Stamp: 02:36 BST 02/09/21 Errors...
  28. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Banking app transaction log says "Number added to clipboard" instead of bank numbers)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Banking app transaction log says "Number added to clipboard" instead of bank numbers How to reproduce the Bug: Send or receive money from another player Time Stamp: 04:31 BST 01/09/21. Media:
  29. SamSN

    Lua Bug Report (Election "none of the above" option has random quotes)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Election "none of the above" option has random quotes How to reproduce the Bug: Have mayor election with only 1 mayor option Time Stamp: 20:30 BST 31/08/21 Errors: Mathew Willams received 11 votes "None of the above received "12 votes Media:
  30. SamSN

    Action Request (GlutenFree15)

    Your Steam Name: SamSN Your Roleplay Name: Sam Ireland Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23910660 Player's Steam Name: @GlutenFree15 Player's Roleplay Name: Tom Iqbal Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:439797393 Why should this player be punished?: Player started shooting at me, @Mina and @AwesomeGamersHQ at...