Search results

  1. Mage

    Bug Report (Locked vehicle notification is sent to owner instead of driver)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Locked vehicle notification is sent to owner instead of driver How to reproduce the Bug: Have your vehicle out Let somebody else drive it Have someone attempt to get in while it is locked The owner of the vehicle will get the prompt not the person...
  2. Mage

    PLPD Online Suggestion PLPD Application marking small adjustments

    Suggestion Title: PLPD Application marking small adjustments Suggestion Description: Make the private checkbox in the feedback section ticked by default. Add an extra confirmation layer for the Finish Grading button, a simple checkbox would work and the button is greyed out and unclickable...
  3. Mage

    Warning Dispute (SNUSMUS)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Snusmus How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Mao Kaisa Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Why were you punished?: 2.5- Threw...
  4. Mage

    Refund Request (Mage)

    Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Mao Kaisa Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Reason for Request: Some meanie stole my car and tiered it Requested Items: $25,600 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Spoon
  5. Mage

    Refund Request (Mage)

    Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Mao Kaisa Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Reason for Request: We were raiding R5, the guy from R4 ran out and tried stealing the guns, in this unfortunate turn of events my gun was stolen and then the player dc'd while dead, they got banned! Requested...
  6. Mage

    Action Request (0)

    Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Mao Kaisa Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Player's Steam Name: 0 Player's Roleplay Name: Unknown Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:645203327 Why should this player be punished?: Shot me mid bank raid to steal my gun. No staff were on so I have to make an...
  7. Mage

    Refund Request (Mage)

    Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Mao Kaisa Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Reason for Request: Requested Items: 1x AK-47. 1x AK-101 stock, 1x Rifle Compensator, 1x Red Dot Sight Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Maia @sidd
  8. Mage

    Lua Bug Report (Last slot of a storage chest doesn't work)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Last slot of a storage chest doesn't work How to reproduce the Bug: Get a chest, fill it up with items up until the last slot, try to put something in, it wont work. This is absolutely unplayable. Errors: This doesn't fit into the chest anymore
  9. Mage

    Refund Request (Mage)

    Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Mao Kaisa Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon because somebody confiscated it! I made a report and the player was spoken to, if the player didn't confiscate it I would still have my gun. Requested Items: 1x M14, 1x...
  10. Mage

    Lua Bug Report (HK45 magazine weighs 1kg instead of 0.1kg)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: HK45 magazine weighs 1kg instead of 0.1kg How to reproduce the Bug: Have a HK45 magazine Errors: Should be (likely) 0.1kg instead of 1kg, very big problem when I was trying to use them in a storage chest! Media:
  11. Mage

    Lua Bug Report (If a body would have valid DNA but the player DC'd you cannot get paid)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: If a body would have valid DNA but the player DC's you cannot get paid How to reproduce the Bug: To get paid for removing a body it's required for you to DNA them, however it is impossible to get DNA from a player's body who has disconnected, so you...
  12. Mage

    Weird ping interaction

    For some reason my ping will sit on 92-93ms when I connect which is unreasonably high when the server is on low player count, but if I start a download and then it stops, my ping drops to 31-32ms which seems reasonable, but after a couple of minutes it will shoot back up to 92-93ms again and you...
  13. Mage

    Model Suggestion Add cat decal

    Suggestion Title: Add cat decal Suggestion Description: There is no cat decal for clothing, this is unacceptable. Why should this be added?: Because there's a dog and bear decal but no cat. What negatives could this...
  14. Mage

    Content Bug Report (Random model(s) being an error instead)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Random model(s) being an error instead How to reproduce the Bug: Just connecting to the server, nothing on my end being done. Time Stamp: Past week or so Errors: Extremely random, sometimes it's a bench, a weapon part, a piece of clothing, a lamp...
  15. Mage

    self report

    had to put some cringe esports clips to fill the gaps :stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop:
  16. Mage

    Action Request (Maia)

    Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Nadine Kennedy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Player's Community Name: @Maia Player's Roleplay Name: Ashley Maia Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149931246 Why should this player be punished?: 3.3 - Unrealistic Actions, jumping onto the window at regals...
  17. Mage

    Explosives in 2022

    Useless A bomb on the balcony can't even blow the balcony door off? In 2016 every regals apartment would have it's door knocked off. Instead I run up with a grenade and the door is still there so I look like an absolute clown. Please fix.
  18. Mage

    Redesigning Glass Co and Parker

    Main Idea: Redesigning Glass Co and Parker Full description of the idea: Redesigning the layout of the two buildings Why should it be added?: The current designs/layouts have stayed almost the same since V2 and it's gotten a bit stale. Pros: Freshens up the buildings and gives them some love...
  19. Mage


    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: Super_ How long were you banned for: 3 Months Your Steam Name: Mage Your In-game Name: Nadine Kennedy Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.2 - Communicated in-game information via a...
  20. Mage

    Megalolis metagaming evidence!

  21. Mage

    Remove Helper

    Description of the idea: Remove the helper rank Why should this be added? (pros): There's a reason it was initially removed. The rank is extremely redundant, it's over-saturated with people - even inactive ones - and it serves little to no purpose apart from people getting an ego and backseat...
  22. Mage

    Rework grenade throwing

    Description of the idea: Rework the current physics for grenades so that they are thrown with more force and actually travel further. Currently when you throw them, they don't go very far at all, molotovs for instance are way better at being thrown and it makes grenades feel really bad to use...
  23. Mage

    Can't instantly buy 300 metal/plastic

    Type of bug: I guess lua Description of the bug: Can't buy 300 of an item, instead it purchases 44? Then have to manually buy in increments of 100+100+56 to get to 300 How to reproduce the bug: Try to buy 300 metal/plastic/whatever and it will instead purchase 44. Makes me very upset. Time...
  24. Mage

    Poker Table

    Your in-game name: Mage Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 What do you need refunded: org poker table Why do you want your item(s) refunded: nobody could pick it up and then staff removed it and nobody in our org has it, it's not in storage either Evidence: logs?? Tick:
  25. Mage

    Ford Raptor

    Your in-game name: Mage Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 What do you need refunded: Ford Raptor Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Well it seems someone deleted it out of rage and spite when I got banned Evidence: go check database Tick:
  26. Mage

    The general thread

    As we are on the PERPHeads™ forums I must kindly inform all users to follow the rules. Disclaimer: Any posts in this thread do not condone the actions of those in the shoutbox yesterday.
  27. Mage


    After the shitshow that happened on Fearless RP, with the mastermind scammer @JER who managed to steal £5,000 from paypal scamming VIP transactions, our members had to dip out of the community to avoid the witch hunt and constant doxing of fellow members who partook in the scam. The organization...
  28. Mage

    Mazan the hackerman!

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mage / Nadine Kennedy His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mazan / ??? His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97693446 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Cheating. Clear as day, looking down at floors to check for players running below him. Never checking corners/places where there are no...
  29. Mage

    Jason Kile

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mage / Nadine Kennedy His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kile / Jason Kile His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89035709 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Bread and butter 3.4, pulling out his gun under gunpoint when I was about to take him hostage and negotiate the release of @bobo...
  30. Mage

    Lag at 80 players

    So weve been hitting them 80 players quite a bit recently but server is a bit laggy as a result. Can we decrease to 70 and open queue?