Search results

  1. A guide for medics : How to see the big sick vs little sick

    Okay so you arrive to a 911 call you have the following patients 1 person has broken there legs but overall is fine 1 person has been shot and is bleeding 2 people are bruised 1 person is on the floor moaning You have to choose who you help first so you have to sort your people into 2...
  2. Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    Hey there everyone. (Yes its fin) So its been a while so why dont I give you a little update about what I have been up to. Back working in events however I am not finding it as fullfilling anymore. I always have looked back at my time when I was working in the NHS as a covid tester/vaccinator...
  3. Perspective

    Well it happened lads Opened the post to find my P45 neatly folded inside. I’m one of the lucky ones. I sent my CV to over 20 places and was able to get a job as a covid-19 tester. However this whole situtation has really allowed me to take a step back and to think. I’m just a student but I...
  4. Shout box ban

    Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Clarky How long were you banned for: 2 days Your Steam Name:n.a Your In-game Name: n.a Your Steam ID: n.a Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) Why should this appeal be...
  5. Refund Request for Benelli shotgun

    Your in-game name: Riley West Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75268988 What do you need refunded: Benalli Shotgun and buckshot Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Rule Breaker broke NLR Evidence: @flugs @Blackdown Tick:
  6. New mic

    So after many years of having a shit mic I have decided to upgrade Any suggestions? Looking for something that could fit within my student budget
  7. Ban Dispute

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Code Monkey Your Steam Name: tetra Your In-game Name: Riley west Your Steam ID: Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) jumped to conclusions Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: I believe this ban is...
  8. Riley West Law firm LLC

    Have YOU been pulled over by a officer and done nothing wrong? Are Cops banging at your door demanding entry without a warrant Are cops trying to confiscate your stuff? Well in that case you need to call Riley West Law firm LLC. I have been practicing law in paralake for the week and so far...
  9. Investment

    Heya, im curiousIf anyone here invests in anything like crypto, stocks, premium bonds ectera. For example I myself have made a 19% profit on ETC by first buying atoms then switching it to ETC when j noticed it spiking over the past week. I also put money away in premium bonds.
  10. Getting mugged at DD

    I’m curious what’s everyone’s thoughts of folks getting mugged at DD there are a few camps I think will emerge The Muggers : EZ payday persons own fault The Mugee : Too Op wouldn’t the DD protect his suppliers? So I’m curious what everyone else’s thoughts are on this topic. Since getting...
  11. Make bombs more expensive to craft

    Description of the idea: Make bombs more expensive to craft Why should this be added? (pros): Because at the moment theres raids where the raiders are using 3 sometimes 4 bombs just to mess up peoples props. Bombs should cost more than 15k to craft for the damage they cause. Or limit the...
  12. Ban appeal for tetra @flugs

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @flugs How long were you banned for: 4 days Your Steam Name: Tetra Your In-game Name: Riley West Your Steam ID::STEAM_0:0:75268988 Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) 3.4 - User killed a police officer in a...
  13. PLPD comuminity warnings and bans policy

    Type of bug: website PLPD online Description of the bug: when banned and you click on the warning/ban policy it leads to a dead page How to reproduce the bug: see video Time stamp(s): [any time stamps where the bug has occurred] *Media: [images/media of the issue]...
  14. Ban appeal for Tetra @SpaceShots

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots How long were you banned for: 48hrs Your Steam Name: Tetra Your In-game Name: Unknown Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75268988 Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) : 3.4 - User ran off whilst under...
  15. AR on jay hatch

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tetra / Jamie New His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jacob.Hatch / Jay Hatch His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: Shot me, not involved in the situtation. Was gonna cuff and give a small ticket. By Jay shooting me police responded and he got 10 years...
  16. [discussion] medical conditions can’t be used as an excuse

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: something to not allow medical conditions to be used as an excuse to break rules. Your version of the rule: n/a Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: too many times on the server have I seen people using medical conditions as an excuse to break...
  17. Missing content

    Okay before we begin I have subed to all the addons, allowed custom server files and have downloaded and enabled: CS:GO and CS:S Yet I still have missing textures, half of the weapons are missing a texture plus some cars are fucked up. Im unsure what I have done wrong.
  18. AR on zanasa

  19. ROLL 20 BREACH

    So roll 20 had a breach Below is a typed up transcript
  20. AR on dai

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Finlay R His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dai john Goodin His/Her SteamID: Dunno Why Should This Player Be Punished: Shot me while I had him under GP ordering him to drop his weapon. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  21. Live Events and Theatre Lighting

    Heya lads, This thread will show you some of the shit I get up to as a freelance theatre technican/lighting designer
  23. Dreamland

    Coming soon to Paralake. Now you may be asking what is dreamland? Well to answer your question dreamland is quite simply a place where woman and men are able to relax,have a drink and possibly get a "date" if you catch my drift. Dreamland first opend in Ho Chi Minh City and was home to the...
  24. PH New Years

    we doing fireworks? If so what times
  25. Prevent unauthorized casinos

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law:New law What law do you wish to change/add: Something along the lines of preventing unauthorized casinos to operative in paralake. An example of an authorized one would be the offical casino Why should this change/addition be made: So that the...
  26. Weather PPK

    Your in-game name: finlay russell Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75268988 What do you need refunded: weather ppk with mag ((atleast I think it was however super can confirm) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: because the user broke the rules Evidence: is staff member by the name of super Tick...
  27. Eisenmenger solutions

    Hello and thank you for your intrest in Eisnmenger Solutions. E-Solutions is a web based weapon ordering system which will allow customers to order weapons from our catalog and make requests and select a time for pick up. The website is currently work in progress however we are looking for...
  28. New PC incoming

    In the spolier are my specs which I have chosen for my PC (Its like that because I wrote it in a document but cant be arsed to COpy paste it) So prepare yourself lads. FInlay will return
  29. I need to talk to someone

    Look lads, I know an Internet forum is probably not the best place to be asking this but whatever. Look the last couple days for me have been... rough to say the least and I have been having thoughts. Anyone know anything I could use to help me during this rough patch?
  30. Red dead 2

    ITS HAPPENING. Red dead redemption 2 IS ANOUNCED FUCK YEAH