Search results

  1. Jack Bruhross

    Ban Apology (Dank (admin team))

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dank (admin team) How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824...
  2. Jack Bruhross

    ASDA response!

    As you have seen many ASDA members including myself have been perm banned for exploiting, With alot of messages about what we did and what so here it is. We received files that was given out to certain people in the high ranking of perpheaders. Files we wasn't meant to gain access to, meaning...
  3. Jack Bruhross

    Action Request (Trippzino, taylorxxhunt)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Player's Steam Name: Trippzino, taylorxxhunt Player's Roleplay Name: NA, NA, Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:559677366, STEAM_0:1:716556465 Why should this player be punished?: Both users...
  4. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: I lost my gun due to a nlring cop who insta took my weapon after shooting me. Requested Items: L85, silencer mag, big holo Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  5. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: Rules broken during a raid. Accept f6 Requested Items: Scar-L, Comp, Holo, stock full mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Valentine
  6. Jack Bruhross

    Bug Report (Image uploading not working)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Image uploading not working How to reproduce the Bug: Try to submit an image to be uploaded and approved by the senior mod+ team and it wont work. Errors: "Could not find the submitted image." Media:
  7. Jack Bruhross

    Action Request (Unknow, Segeco)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Player's Steam Name: Unknow, Segeco Player's Roleplay Name: Jack Debuss | Simon Garlic Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80659775 | STEAM_0:1:199086674...
  8. Jack Bruhross

    Content Bug Report (Weapon sway bug)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Weapon sway bug How to reproduce the Bug: Pull out a weapon and move side to side slightly. You will notice the weapon go crazy and is unusable. Put weapon away and pull it back out the sway is gone. I am not sure what part of this is the bug. Is...
  9. Jack Bruhross

    Action Request (Vitins)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Player's Steam Name: Vitiņš Player's Roleplay Name: Ivan Ivanovitch Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:448323325 Why should this player be punished?: I created a f6 on the server and waited around 10mins...
  10. Jack Bruhross

    Rule Suggestion (3.5 New Life Rule)

    Suggestion Topic: 3.5 New Life Rule Suggestion Description: Add a longer nlr period for cops, Currently during in raids on the server it is extremely hard to raid. There are far to many cops to deal with before you can deal with the defenders inside the house you are raiding. Ill give some...
  11. Jack Bruhross

    Content Bug Report (On duty stimpack limit)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: On duty stimpack limit How to reproduce the Bug: -have stim packs limit before going on duty -When going on duty it will set them to 2 -Go to the pd locker and pull out 30 more -Go off duty you will now have double your limit. - Can also do...
  12. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion Allow medics/fire fighters onto the monorail tracks.

    Suggestion Title: Allow medics/fire fighters onto the monorail tracks. Suggestion Description: After a recent update the monorail now kills you. While playing the server I have notice alot of people dying on the monorail (sweaters mainly) And the medics not being able to get to them. Somewhat...
  13. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: Officer broke the rules and took the gun 26 seconds after killing me! Requested Items: g3a3, comp, comp holo, mag, stock Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  14. Jack Bruhross

    Content Bug Report (Stack counter bugs out when crafting stim packs.)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Stack counter bugs out when crafting stim packs. How to reproduce the Bug: Craft a stimpack(multiple) It will only take up one slot in the work bench. When you attempt to take it out it will remove all items in your inventory and set the stacks...
  15. Jack Bruhross

    I would like to recommend @dank for being amazing!

    I have had the pleasure of playing with @Dank on numerous occasions and I can confidently say that they are an amazing player. Not only are they skilled and strategic in their gameplay, but they are also a team player and always willing to help their teammates. In addition to their exceptional...
  16. Jack Bruhross

    Jamie's clip dump/montage

    Not really one for ever posting montages but heres the first. Edited by a good friend of mine that I can't mention :(
  17. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion Remove car limit when non vip as delivery driver.

    Suggestion Title: Remove car limit when non vip as delivery driver. Suggestion Description: Will allow both users when on duty to spawn a delivery truck. If it allows both of you to go on this job you should both be able to actively do it. It seems more of a bug but I am not sure! Why should...
  18. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: I lost my gun due to a base breaking the rules and using pixel peaks as the defence. Requested Items: mac 11, silencer, stock, mag, pistol reflex. Evidence Type...
  19. Jack Bruhross

    Content Bug Report (PD jail doors.)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: PD jail doors. How to reproduce the Bug: The two doors leading to the jail cells on the bottum floor can not be lockpicked or crowbared. Time Stamp: anytime Errors: None that I know of Media: Not needed. Can just try it yourself
  20. Jack Bruhross

    Action Request (vredfeed)

    Your Steam Name: jame Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Player's Steam Name: vredfeed Player's Roleplay Name: Andrew Bandi Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:520773768 Why should this player be punished?: User broke 3.4, 3.6. I am only assuming this is the...
  21. Jack Bruhross

    Content Bug Report (Wrenchs get used even if you cant fix your car.)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Wrenchs get used even if you cant fix your car. How to reproduce the Bug: Try wrenching your car when there is a RC on duty. It will still take your wrench but state "You will need Roadcrew worker to fully repair this vehicle" Doesn't make much...
  22. Jack Bruhross

    Narcotics Guide

    Narcotics guide somewhat updated and more in-depth. Meth: 2 beakers - 2 glue 6 glass 2 Erlenmeyer flasks - 2 glue 4 glass 2 distillation kits - 2 glue 2 metal 4 brass bulk 6 glass shards 2 boxes of springs 1 chemical table - 8 metal 4 metal rods 4 metal polish 2 wooden board 1 glue 2 cookers...
  23. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion Remake of the delivery driver.

    Suggestion Title: Remake of the delivery driver. Increased stamina/Increased duration of sprinting. Increased stamina/duration of sprinting just like cops have. Will allow the player to move a lot more and take multiple deliveries to an area without constantly driving his van. Increased...
  24. Jack Bruhross

    Content Bug Report (Drug confiscation not working correctly.)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Drug confiscation not working correctly. How to reproduce the Bug: When attempting to take someones drug as a cop, it will say they only have "1 cocaine" on them. this would be correct because it would be 1x 200 but instead only gives 1 single...
  25. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion Add a secondary zone during a bank raid.

    Suggestion Title: Add a secondary zone during a bank raid. Suggestion Description: Just like the notification that is given to the bank robbers when "leaving" the area of a bank raid the same kind of announment will be given to people entering a zone. The zone would be slightly bigger than the...
  26. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon due to a base not being allowed in a subs raid. The base was later removed by efan and I was told I was possibly allowed a RR Requested Items: 1 x Scar...
  27. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion Fix the real estate issue!

    Suggestion Title: Fix the real estate issue! Suggestion Description: At the end of the real estate mission have a box come up that simply says "would you like to keep this propriety", With a Yes/No option. I think at the moment with the amount of new players doing there missions they are just...
  28. Jack Bruhross

    Action Request (Clarky)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Player's Steam Name: Clarky Player's Roleplay Name: Yustin Kapu Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44595797 Why should this player be punished?: User broke 3.5, 2.5 possibly other rules? User seen us at...
  29. Jack Bruhross

    Map Bug Report (Office staircase BROKEN)

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: Office staircase BROKEN How to reproduce the Bug: possible structure damage to office! Media:
  30. Jack Bruhross

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon due to a man rdming me during a bank raid. Very weird champ and was unpog Requested Items: AS50. Pmii, Fully mag, -1 death to my KD Evidence Type...