Favorite Smokes(For smoker only)

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That place.
In here we talk about smokes and smoking in general, and please for those who doesnt smoke dont spam "Smoke Kill" we see that a lot in our pack of cigs so no need to remind us.

Note: Please to make it clear, as long as you dont smoke then dont reply to this post, its clear from the title that this posts is indicated towards smokers only.

For me I love these:

Marlboro Gold

Davidoff gold:

And Camels Turkish Blend:
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While I may not be the one smoking, my dad does a lot (or used to until he got his e-cigarette)

The only one he ever buys is North State:

So I assume, since he only buys those, that they are his favourite, or he just hasn't experimented with anything else.

But like I said, now he's (mostly) smoking e-cigarettes. As far as taste goes, I do believe he just goes for the regular taste of his usual cigarette, but I honestly have no idea.

Not bashing you all for smoking, as you know what it does to you. However its hardly something to boast about, especially on a gaming forum.

It's embarrassing and cringey to see people compare the best ways in which they're killing themselves. If you want to kill yourself then make it cool with explosions and music and candy floss :booty:

Not really appropriate on a forum where people as young as 13 (@Teemo) can potentially be influenced by this kind of thing.
I've lost family due to lung cancer. It's not the fact they die it's the fact the amount of pain they undergo and trauma - it's a scientific fact of what it does to you? Why the fuck would you even bother, it's not even considered cool anymore. It's a massive turn off for girls and in the means of it, you're mutating your cells ensuring any family you do have in the future, you won't be able to see grow up.

I feel as though as said before, this is not suitable for a forum that has many youngsters, and to be honest, this thread just seems silly, and more just a way of boasting, and as said before
Meh if you smoke I don't really see a big difference between cigarettes besides their strength (which if you smoke enough eventually dims down until you become addicted and smoke without a reason just because of thrust), I used to roll my cigs and they were so much better than packets, they just are less choking and all. If you want the most popular tobacco its probably gonna be balishag, it has different strengths by colors (red is strongest). There are also some organic ones of some sort. But golden virginia was the strongest tobacco I had, and it was good while it lasted, but it became dumb and boring and meaningless, so I just stopped. Fyi it was less than 3 months, no more than 2 cigs a day, and most days of the week I wouldn't smoke. This is the age you try it and different kids lead different ways, I stopped so I'm good, because I know how it feels and I know not to do it again, but some kids just continue and ruin their lives early on.
I know that a lot of you are like "UMG THIS IS BAD IT KILS U"
Over where Mido lives, it's just the thing that makes you fit in. Over there, it's harder than it is here. In Algeria, it's a tough place. If you don't fit in, you get beat up. And to fit in, he has to smoke.
He also grew up with smoking, he doesn't realise the bad things it does to you, or care about them. It's his lifestyle, and he's absolutely obsessed with them. Disagree with the thread? Get an admin to take it down.
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