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  1. idomz

    AR idomz

    Firstly we started the shootout because you shot a friend of ours and you also shot me but that was caused by crossfire so I'm not going to get touchy with that. Anyway after me and Ceri GP you as you can see in the vid you still didn't bandage me and backed away. Also I did not run on the...
  2. idomz


  3. idomz

    In the pentagon

    In the pentagon
  4. idomz

    AR on Idomz

    I'm sorry for punching you, didn't mean to hurt you.
  5. idomz

    Back, Back Again.

    Holy shit. Didn't see this was inactive for the summer holidays. Welcome back!!!!!
  6. idomz

    AR on Sir Fusions

    This isn't the first time I have seen @Sir.Fusions break rules he does it a lot. This member has already been perm banned and should know the rules by now and this shows he did break 2.5 as you crouched on the floor and you followed 3.4 then he just kept shooting you for no reason. +Support
  7. idomz


  8. idomz

    gg breaking bad was created in 2018

    gg breaking bad was created in 2018
  9. idomz

    gg steal my steam profile picture 10/10

    gg steal my steam profile picture 10/10
  10. idomz

    I don't like showing off but without this happening he would just probably grow by himself in...

    I don't like showing off but without this happening he would just probably grow by himself in the forest. The key is to find someone to trust so you are giving him false information.
  11. idomz

    For example : Me and my friends kidnapped a guy name Pen Liza. We then realized he was a...

    For example : Me and my friends kidnapped a guy name Pen Liza. We then realized he was a beginner so instead of mugging him I gave him 10k and added him to an org and helped him out with everything, we had some fun as well.
  12. idomz

    You said to him not to trust anyone and such. That is complete bullshit and without trusting...

    You said to him not to trust anyone and such. That is complete bullshit and without trusting anyone that would get him nowhere. People that have been playing PERPheads for a while would know NOT to mug sweater-vests or beginners.
  13. idomz

    PerpHeads - Sweater Vest Mayors

    You're never save*. Also 1fps
  14. idomz

    The Mazin Project Application

    Deleted ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. idomz

    Hey Guys!

    I have 6000 hours on gmod rekt. But welcome bby
  16. idomz

    Missed you too bby, and thanks :)

    Missed you too bby, and thanks :)
  17. idomz

    The Mazin Project

    Backstory Before The Mazin Project was created, the Mazin family had an indie company called Gama Real-estate. Gama Real-estate surprisingly got an offer from another company that they want to buy Gama Realeste for £5392999. The Mazin family accepted the offer and sold the company for a large...
  18. idomz

    The Mazin Project Application

    If you wanna apply you have to fill in a post and use the following format : (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: -Age (OOC): -Are YOU Active?: -Steam ID: -Total playtime: -Are you a VIP: (IC Questions) -Ingame name: -List of all cars you own: -Favorite Weapon(s): -When are you mostly...
  19. idomz

    My Gcses.

    Are you doing of mice and men or to kill a mockingbird bby?
  20. idomz

    This Just Happend :/

    When the autism hits you. Cringe Please kill yourself thx
  21. idomz

    The Mazins

  22. idomz

    I'm back my N words

    So yeah I am coming back. I was away for about 3 months more or less but I decided to come back as I miss you fgts xxxx I know a lot of updates have taken place while I wasn't playing but I'm finally back so now you could all stop asking me for my 3.4 mil that I have @MrAaron, other Aaron and...
  23. idomz

    @Mikey @Hayden @LordTyla @MattIsMadForCod @Philip @Robin Handsomealot @Mikey @SteyLex

    @Mikey @Hayden @LordTyla @MattIsMadForCod @Philip @Robin Handsomealot @Mikey @SteyLex
  24. idomz

    Thanks guys for all the Happy Birthday wishes love ya'll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes homo

    Thanks guys for all the Happy Birthday wishes love ya'll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yes homo
  25. idomz

    Inactivity notice.

    Well as some of you might of realized my activity has been reduced lately. I haven't been on the server for two weeks and it is because of a few reasons: 1) I get bored a lot of the time as a played a lot. 2) I started playing CS-GO and I really like it and I spend a lot of time playing it...
  26. idomz

    How am maek moms spaghetti

    instructions unclear, got dick stuck in a blender
  27. idomz

    PERPheads Firearm Price List

    Thanks. Now all I need is a mayor that doesn't put 50% taxes so people will try to kill him and the mayor is bored so he wants action. So I will need to wait a while. But thanks it's really simple unlike the EXE which is complicated as hell init.
  28. idomz


    Oh god fuck no.:sorry::sorry::sorry: Why you?!?!?! Why can't it be someone else like @ItsAquaaHD , Just kidding. ;) Well Robbin honestly I had the best times with you with your dank audio cable and the octopus documentary and do you honestly think your funny. Well I hope this is a prank and if...
  29. idomz

    This is goodbye

    Have fun buddy, was great playing with you on the server today.