Search results

  1. Garret_Pp

    Profitable Job

    Become CoP and afk in the Lt's office. Also running bazaar businesses are quite profitable for some, especially if you make yourself stick out. Otherwise drugs and casino my friend.
  2. Garret_Pp

    such a kind soul

    such a kind soul
  3. Garret_Pp

    Thanks, Mister man :}

    Thanks, Mister man :}
  4. Garret_Pp

    Thank ya

    Thank ya
  5. Garret_Pp

    Server Suggestion CPR for all (an education incentive program)

    Suggestion Title: CPR for all (an education incentive program) Suggestion Description: National Two-step CPR ( is a national program for basic CPR education. It involves two steps: #1 call 911(or 999, you get the point), #2 push hard and fast on the center of the...
  6. Garret_Pp

    Doctor schooling man. Spending time saving the lives of fake patients and manikins. Also...

    Doctor schooling man. Spending time saving the lives of fake patients and manikins. Also studying sciency stuff. It's a dream
  7. Garret_Pp

    Thank u Mr Swat Man

    Thank u Mr Swat Man
  8. Garret_Pp

    And thank you Mr Senior Mod

    And thank you Mr Senior Mod
  9. Garret_Pp

    Thank u Mr Helper

    Thank u Mr Helper
  10. Garret_Pp

    PH Community Minecraft server

    You'll be quicker to ask the whitelist channel in discord
  11. Garret_Pp

    PH Community Minecraft server

    I like the cut of your jib, Kid
  12. Garret_Pp

    PH Community Minecraft server

    Garret_Pp for whitelist
  13. Garret_Pp

    Happy Birthday buddy! (Glad you guys are doing better now in Israel, a lot of us in the states...

    Happy Birthday buddy! (Glad you guys are doing better now in Israel, a lot of us in the states are behind you every step)
  14. Garret_Pp

    PH Community Minecraft server *Cough cough* Want me to update it?
  15. Garret_Pp


    Without knowing your age, fam hx and personal hx, or talking to you I would totally err on the side of caution here. If you are very thirsty it could be a lot of things from a simple cold to as @John Daymon says, diabetes. I wouldn't wait for it to happen again to see a doctor and would probably...
  16. Garret_Pp

    One big P one little p

    One big P one little p
  17. Garret_Pp

    congrats on my birthday? :<]

    congrats on my birthday? :<]
  18. Garret_Pp


  19. Garret_Pp


  20. Garret_Pp


  21. Garret_Pp

    I like you most now

    I like you most now
  22. Garret_Pp

    Nah just the right amount bbe.

    Nah just the right amount bbe.
  23. Garret_Pp

    Garret NLR

    Here's my video, I wasn't 'responding' to him at the intersection or an incident. I was told by three people there was a murderer on the loose in that specific car. I got out to go look around city if I could find anything and I immediately saw him acting in my new life and on brand new...
  24. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    We're on bukkit now lads!
  25. Garret_Pp

    Pharmaceutical Addition - Legal Money

    Main Idea: Add a way to use chem tables to make certain legal narcotics (i.e. pain killers, antivirals, antibiotics, etc.). This is a longshot idea but a smaller version may be a good and easy addon to the legal side of the server. Full description of the idea: Why should it be added...
  26. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    Update Log - 12/05/2019 [0.6.1] ADDED GitHub Link to page UPDATED/FIXED act surrender Item Meta/Enchantments now copied over Multiple items are now read instead of stopping at one Reads over inventory rather than checking weapon list now Try catch added to deal with non-material resolvable...
  27. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    Yes i am continually programming and updating this program as of recent
  28. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    Update Log - 09/05/2019 [0.6] ADDED /panic ADDED keep inventory on death ADDED life alerts
  29. Garret_Pp

    PERP MineCraft Plugin

    Update Log - 08/05/2019 [0.5] Plugin updated to 1.14 Update /pdLobby Going on and off duty gives you a special bow and ammo that cannot be dropped and other players cannot pick up. Fixed officers weapons not being removed when going off duty and name not being properly unlisted from...
  30. Garret_Pp

    lets build paralake PERP plugin updated to 1.14 and added in /acts to list acts in game.