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  1. AlphΔ

    Mayor Tax Decreasing Rate To Be Increased

    Topic: When decreasing the taxes, it takes way too long. Short explanation (in notes): - I believe it takes a minute to decrease taxes by 1% but 1 minute to increase the taxes by 5%? - I think that this rate should be the same for increasing as it is for decreasing. Detailed description...
  2. AlphΔ

    PERPHEAD Cars and Top Speeds

    Hi All, So i've been working on this for a while when I can. It's the standard speadsheet for the cars but it has a few of the cars stock top speeds. Feel free to use it and if you would like to add the top speeds for any of the other cars that are not on there then reply below, and I will add...
  3. AlphΔ


    I would like to +Support this, but there is one problem... A +Support wouldn't be good enough for the quality of RP this guy produced. Always fun to play with whether it be chasing villains around Paralake, or growing drugs in Subs 3. He's a top notch RP'er and deserves this post. Goodluck in...
  4. AlphΔ

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: The Undertaker -Age (OOC): 15 -Are YOU Active?: Yes, I am active on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and half of Sundays. -Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51824118 -Total playtime: Nearly 2 weeks I believe however only displays 1 week in-game. -Are you a VIP: Yes...
  5. AlphΔ

    FireFighter Roleplay Enhancement Suggestion.

    I +Support the idea however when there is no firefighters online (Like a lot of the time) what would happen to the guys stuck in the car? Would they just be stuck there? or would they get out of their car automatically after a certain period of time?
  6. AlphΔ

    Police Scanner Craftable Item

    Topic: Police Scanner that can be crafted. Short explanation (in notes): - A craftable police scanner that could be crafted by players to listen in on the police radio. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think that this should be added as it would be interesting to...
  7. AlphΔ

    AR against Lars Woll

    Your Steam/In-game Name: The Undertaker : Samuel Wong His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Minilarro : Lars Woll His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49029702 Why Should This Player Be Punished: So I think that his gun was in the passive position and then when he pulled it up he shot me when I told him that he was...
  8. AlphΔ

    refund request - joe butcher

    Don't get me wrong. But you never had the things in the first place so it would be a refund. When I get unbanned I will give you the items myself if you would like?
  9. AlphΔ

    [Guide] Firearms Leveling

    I agree with you however it was only for 1 level which didn't really matter. Therefore I left it the same. Thanks for the reply though.
  10. AlphΔ

    [Guide] Firearms Leveling

    Cheers for the replies guys, will keep updating this as the more I learn and the more people reply with.
  11. AlphΔ

    [Guide] Firearms Leveling

    Hi, All So i'm still relatively new to PERP and have been looking at the "Firearms" skill for some time. I was debating about trying it out. So I look on the forums for a "Guide" and was shocked to find nothing (Link me one if there is already) So I compiled my own. Feel free to add/change it...