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  1. TechnicalDifficulty

    Action Request (Unknown)

    At the moment I didnt know he was a random guy coming from somewhere else, I was told this afterwards by Michael. As I said I assumed he was one of their friends as i come out the door hearing "hands up" from my friends
  2. TechnicalDifficulty

    Action Request (Unknown)

    We were in an active raid/shootout on slums 4, on the video u can clearly see that there are bullet holes on the wall etc. I had to recover from a shot so I went inside our apartment to chest and used bandage, when I was on my way back I hear my in-game friend say hands up to someone. Since we...
  3. TechnicalDifficulty

    Cannot join server

    updated the game and get the Message «server is running on an old version» when i try to join. Same issue with friends
  4. TechnicalDifficulty

    Refund request , Omair Gecko (ThaFloppah)

    Your in-game name: Omair Gecko Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:120319111 What do you need refunded: A Scar L + Stock + Red dot sight + full mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: i Was killed while talking to the npc for no reason, the guy clearly wanted my firearm and he himself admitted to mod...
  5. TechnicalDifficulty

    Post-Unban Perpheads

    Olsenbanden, dere er norske iks XD
  6. TechnicalDifficulty


    When i carried a gun Around, an officer said i wasnt allowed to go out in public with a gun(out of you house) and gave me a 4k fine Hahah i Know im special, when i get mugged 4 times and two of them was the same person
  7. TechnicalDifficulty


    I've done all that you said but all the guys that mugged me were professionals:(
  8. TechnicalDifficulty


    Read my Mug refund request first!: I got mugged 4 times today, the first 3 times only within a hour! And the last one, i dont Know if the guy mugged me before, but when he raided and mugged me told he was laughing, saying "you guys again, haha f*** you" I was raided and mugged with my friend...
  9. TechnicalDifficulty

    Got mugged several times and want all or all possible items back

    Tell the supervisors to think of Making a new rule, think about all the noobs first impression of the server
  10. TechnicalDifficulty

    Got mugged several times and want a refund

    I had it out from before you broke in! what other houses can i buy to grow weed alone, and has a way of walking to the house?
  11. TechnicalDifficulty

    Got mugged several times and want all or all possible items back

    how can i upload the demo?just want to show you what happened
  12. TechnicalDifficulty

    Got mugged several times and want all or all possible items back

    Your in-game name: Franklin Queen Steam ID: ThaFloppah What do you need refunded: All the items i had to give away, that was in my inventory, also lost a gun, dont know if it was stolen or lost when i died, when i respawned it wasnt in my inventory Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I feel...
  13. TechnicalDifficulty

    Got mugged several times and want a refund

    i had some money out for buying materials
  14. TechnicalDifficulty

    Got mugged several times and want a refund

    I got mugged 3 or 4 times, (can't remember correctly) I lost ALOT of items and money, and I've had it with losing stuff, losing money, and making NO PROGRESS! I Know i sound like a little KID with ebola in hes arse, but I think I really deserve to get ALL items back! Lastly, when the last guy...
  15. TechnicalDifficulty

    Money Refund Request

    Im not bothering to earn it back!?, check out how long i was working as rc, and then you can say that im not bothering to earn it back
  16. TechnicalDifficulty

    Money Refund Request

  17. TechnicalDifficulty

    Money Refund Request

  18. TechnicalDifficulty

    Money Refund Request
