Search results

  1. MohRox

    Refund Request (MohRox)

    Your Steam Name: MohRox Your Roleplay Name: John Panvinski Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90401612 Reason for Request: Accepted AR on MAMACITA during Slums Raid for minge grabbing and another guy for Trapping me in a fence while running me over under direct gun point Requested Items: 1x AK-47...
  2. MohRox

    Action Request (MAMACITA)

    Your Steam Name: MohRox Your Roleplay Name: John Panvinski Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90401612 Player's Steam Name: MAMACITA Player's Roleplay Name: Cortez Gonzalez Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53004931 Why should this player be punished?: Player Minge grabbed a gun in the middle of a gun...
  3. MohRox

    Server Suggestion Job Milestones

    Massive +Support for this, I would like to add something like doing an X task for 2x XP for example, extinguish a person on fire before they die or something like that would put an adrenaline rush in the firefighter job rather than just arriving spraying water and leaving, medic side of this is...
  4. MohRox

    Server Suggestion Heal NPC in Hospital should revive regardless of on duty medics

    I suggested this a while ago aswell seems no one has looked on it yet
  5. MohRox

    N.W.A. Recruitment

    7pm to 12am Berlin Standard time
  6. MohRox

    N.W.A. Recruitment

    IG Name: John Panvinski OOC Name: MohRox Age: 20 Play Time: 1 month 28 days Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars): 3.5 Million$ Owned Cars: My beloved Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale that helped me in every situation Why do you want to join: I have been an active member on Perpheads for quite some time...
  7. MohRox

    Server Suggestion Heal NPC in Hospital should revive regardless of on duty medics

    Suggestion Title: Heal NPC should revive regardless of on duty medics Suggestion Description: Healing NPC at Hospital should be able to help unconscious people regardless if there is a medic on duty or not, Medics get a percentage of the cut when the person is revived at hospital Why should...
  8. MohRox

    Taking a break

    @curak yeah well the average I get on perp is like 10 hours a day in my vacation so getting on for an hour now seems wrong lol.
  9. MohRox

    Taking a break

    Thanks man and good luck to you too!
  10. MohRox

    Taking a break

    Ofcourse! Can't be studying engineering and playing perp at the same time. And thank you so much!
  11. MohRox

    Taking a break

    Thanks man, good luck to you too
  12. MohRox

    Taking a break

    Just wanted the community to know that I am taking a break from PERP due to my Uni starting this week. I hope everyone has a good one! and have fun :D
  13. MohRox


    @Clarky well targeting people because of their ethnicity isn't stated as a rule break as of 1.2 and basically ruining their fun especially is also not considered in 1.2 so I cant do anything about it. Unless they say something which many don't then I can't do anything but be frustrated over the...
  14. MohRox


    And honestly if you were in my shoes and got killed/bullied intentionally by other players who are racist towards you then I think you would either do what I did or be extremely frustrated but quiet which is something I can't do sadly
  15. MohRox


    Well I do get kind of pissed off at people who intentionally ruin mine or other people's RP experience and me not having any power expect reporting it and providing a demo (which my pc can't handle) can frustrate me but other than that I don't think I have incidents like so
  16. MohRox


    Thanks man, I actually really appreciate this and I could be saying the same to you! I owe you some money because you gave me money to help me help people which is amazing. Thank you
  17. MohRox

    Piano Bug! Wrecks your game!

    Type of bug: content Description of the bug: So basically when sitting on the piano with anything in hand it glitches that thing into not showing in hand after leaving! Additionally when sitting on piano it wrecks the ability to see items in stacks in storage! How to reproduce the bug: Walk to...
  18. MohRox

    RR Car crashed by carthief

    he did this to my Lancer Evo VIII but happily, the lancer does not have enough speed to even wreck to tier 1 ;-; and yeah it was Keith Mozart!
  19. MohRox

    A New Hospital idea!

    i'd Leave it up to the owners to decide which way is better European vs American Healthcare system
  20. MohRox

    Server Suggestion Have the DD contact new players after some amount of playtime or product in storage

    +support Throughout helping new players around they always miss the place where the dd is at because of the Large Map and little knowledge of it, adding to your idea, of course, I would suggest adding something in the map on the phone to exactly pinpoint the drug dealer using the system...
  21. MohRox

    Alternative ammo types?

    -support Almost everyone that uses guns regularly as civillians are mad rich so these types of ammo with be like buying a gun to them which is cheap!
  22. MohRox

    A New Hospital idea!

    Oh Yeah correct! I never raided bank recently so i didnt know thank you so much!
  23. MohRox

    A New Hospital idea!

    Description of the idea: So the idea is about a new addition to the Hospital!. Where we could make the empty large room a Hospital bed area and an NPC standing there could revive unconscious bodies if they could arrive on time to the hospital! The NPC should revive people for a 500 dollar fee or...
  24. MohRox

    Perp "RP" Situation

    There is a good way to fix this as someone else mentioned before. Adding more legal ways to get good money and expanding the map to fathom the change where those legal methods atleast have a chance to get close to drug growing. I can't think of something now but one of the main thing is for...
  25. MohRox

    Perp "RP" Situation

    Oh and adding on the top comment I once responded to a call of shooting and stayed outside for a moment in a brief moment I heard someone on the inside saying "Why are the cops not responding yet" that especially implies that the entire situation was just a bait for a cop fight later on
  26. MohRox

    Perp "RP" Situation

    I mean Moon the problem starts from your gang first of all tbh and then the other kids follow it thinking a server with 24/7 of baiting cops and fighting them is better for everyone where in reality casual people like me and others just really don't want the bait every second. Also don't get...
  27. MohRox

    Perp "RP" Situation

    I as a user on perp who is donating to the server am doing something by role-playing as a Fire fighter sometimes trying to help people who are for example stuck and what not so I am trying to actually role play rather than just be a FF when there is a fire at puffers or something. All the respect!
  28. MohRox

    Perp "RP" Situation

    So had this crazy idea that night that is what if Perp went back to its roots and became an actual serious RP Situations all around where people are actually afraid of shooting a bullet because they know if they are arrested or if their gun is taken that's a huge loss in their economic wallet...
  29. MohRox

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: AmerRox -Age (OOC): 17 -Are YOU Active?: Yes, Everyday -Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90401612 -Total playtime: 1Month 3Days and 2Hours -Are you a VIP: Yes Gonna End in 6th of July so ill rebuy it soon (IC Questions) -Ingame name: John Panvinski -List of all cars...
  30. MohRox

    [Suggetion] New Legal Job

    As I Said NPC's can call in a trash guy to clean their store for (What ever price is most fit)