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  1. KaneBigRoss

    What's Next?

    Wassup chuckle nuts! Here's a video update of what's going on with myself and content that I'm planning on releasing in the future. It was thrown together in 30-60 minutes but it's better than a bible verse. Still dipping my toes in to the idea of coming back but rest assure that the projects...
  2. KaneBigRoss

    Best YouTube Media Thread

    This is a thread showcasing your favourite YouTube content (Short or long form) Here are some bangers I can think of (with explanations): Pyrocynical - Fat Cry 3: If you've never watched Pyrocynical's latest style of content then I recommend starting with this video. Yes it's hours long but...
  3. KaneBigRoss

    Fruit Warz

    Calling the most fruitiest perp players... pause What's your favourite fruit? That is if your diet isn't burgers and colas IRL (Optimistic rating) Imma start by putting the most common in the poll and if you have any others then specify. RECENTLY I'VE BEEN AN AVOCADO ENJOYER
  4. KaneBigRoss

    Fredy's or Roxie's?

  5. KaneBigRoss

    Model Suggestion FN57 aka the TFU destroyer

    Suggestion Title: FN57 aka the TFU destroyer Suggestion Description: This one's a little more controversial so I will explain the balancing the best I can. So contrary to the Glock post, this gun is the AS50 of pistols (At a hefty price) High firearms level to make of course and the cost of...
  6. KaneBigRoss

    Model Suggestion Glock 18c Extended Magazine + General Glock Buff

    Suggestion Title: Glock 18c Extended Magazine + General Glock Buff Suggestion Description: Alright so we will start off with the elephant in the post... The big extendo When you're using the fun switch Glock, the fun only lasts a few seconds. I'm trying to let off a large amount of rounds in a...
  7. KaneBigRoss

    Your scuffed niche game that nobody plays

    What games do you play that nobody else plays? (Can also be underrated or hated) It could be nostalgia browser games, mobile money sink holes or triple A trash. Here are some of mine: 1. CASINO Inc (Thanks Jerma) Casino tycoon game from like 2003 2. BalisticNG Wipeout style racing game...
  8. KaneBigRoss

    Cookies or Brownies?

    This is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends... Start now for free Legend 27 24 hour Perp VC
  9. KaneBigRoss

    Parka-Cola (Soda Rebranding)

    Parka-Cola A Big-Ross formula THREE EXCITING FLAVOURS: @Super_ For snapping a picture of Santa himself!
  10. KaneBigRoss


    Hello again! Thank you all for being patient, I have some things to show that were locked away in the vault so here's my own "LEAK". Enjoy part of the fashion show soundtrack (FLOWERS BLOOM IN HICKTOWN) WEEK 3 (I'm new to editing videos so it's slightly scuffed)
  11. KaneBigRoss

    Hello but also maybe a goodbye?

    I know a large amount of you don't want to read a bible passage so allow me to share my thoughts and feeling through this video I made. This is more of a serious video so everything said is my actual feelings and not satirical. Enjoy: [REDACTED] -Kane
  12. KaneBigRoss

    Halloween Movie Posters

    Would love to make these into actual movies but they would probably be out next Halloween knowing my work pace. With all that said, I present you some movie poster spin offs of the most humanoid Horror/Thriller movies I could think of: HAPPY HALLOWEEN FORUM GOBLINS :troll:
  13. KaneBigRoss


    What artist(s) or photographer(s) inspire you right now? (digital or physical) My two current ones: TENGUSAN TAKASHI MURAKAMI Let me see yours! (or show your own work!)
  14. KaneBigRoss

    Paralake Motors Magazine Issue 1 Cover

    So after Fashion Week finishes, I'm going to be launching a Car Magazine "Paralake Motors". This will work in a similar way to Fashion Week however, all of the photographs and content inside are going to be run by the community (Because I'm shit with cars), so customise a car and either take...
  15. KaneBigRoss

    Rogue Magazine Week 1 Content + Week 2 Cover

    ROGUE WEEK 1 CONTENT Hope you enjoy the details in these collections. I'm super exhausted physically and mentally so this isn't going to be some huge post with loads of writing. Bloodclots, sweat and tears were put into this and week 2 should come out much faster as I'm familiar with the...
  16. KaneBigRoss

    Rogue Magazine Week 1 + Perp Fashion Week

    IT'S FASHION WEEK FOR PERP! Grab your best outfits and strut the streets of Paralake. Photoshoots will be hosted in game, the best outfits will be featured in this week's magazine. (posted in the replies) @Clarky -The photo I nabbed from @rogue -For his name as inspiration
  17. KaneBigRoss

    Favourite Childhood Weekend?

    Sony Walkman D-EJ011 loaded with the track Stereo Love, walking down to Blockbusters after a heavy morning of Cartoon Network, Picking up Jak and Daxter to basically speed run in the 3 days of renting it, stopping off at Wimpy for lunch, Converse on with the shutter shades. Carrying half of your...
  18. KaneBigRoss

    Server Suggestion Tasks on a Bulletin Board/Expanded Missions app

    Suggestion Title: Tasks on a Bulletin Board/Expanded Missions app Suggestion Description: In a short summary, it's daily/weekly/monthly tasks that reward you for doing "RP" related things. Hear me out before down voting, So this could function in two different ways. Task giver concept 1...
  19. KaneBigRoss

    Server Suggestion Double XP weekend/Double XP events

    Suggestion Title: Double XP weekend/Double XP events Suggestion Description: Double XP on either weekends or just random events with it going on for like a week or so (Similar to the current weed one) XP that could be doubled: -Government Jobs (Firefighter, Medic) -Org XP -Crafting XP -Any...
  20. KaneBigRoss

    BookHeads Thread

    Any knowledgeable fellers on here enjoy reading? I'm currently reading: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson If you haven't watched the movie then I highly recommend, as it of course alludes to the book heavily featuring Johnny Depp and Benicio del Toro as the two main...
  21. KaneBigRoss

    New Minions movie review

    Minions THE RISE OF GRU Disclaimer: Grown man watches a kids film on release day. Overall: 7/10 Actually a good movie. There was 20+ people there wearing suits. The whole cinema cheered at legit every character introduction too, it was an experience to say the least. Lives up to the...
  22. KaneBigRoss

    Choose my scran for tonight

    I'm expecting food poisoning either way
  23. KaneBigRoss

    Lua Bug Report (Wouldn't let me place a chem table in Projex 1 or 2 even after relogging)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Wouldn't let me place a chem table in Projex 1 or 2 even after relogging How to reproduce the Bug: I'm not really sure how it happened I just got on and went to place the table down to which it came up with the message displayed in the screenshot...
  24. KaneBigRoss

    Police Suggestion The PD Cooper (Not April Fools)

    Suggestion Title: The PD Cooper (Not April Fools) Suggestion Description: A Police vehicle for the boys with no hats (PO's) Capped speed limit so they cant minge and run people over but just enough so they can get from point A to point B (Only used in Emergency cases when they can't receive a...