Search results

  1. Jazz™

    Beautiful rendition of Titanic by Takeshi

  2. Jazz™

    X Factor

    Won't let that die, will you? xD
  3. Jazz™

    Thx baby <3

    Thx baby <3
  4. Jazz™

    Can't apply to PLPD.

    Oh, I'm dumb. Didn't even see that lmao. Many thanks.
  5. Jazz™

    Can't apply to PLPD.

    Hello, Been inactive for a long time, thought I'd jump back on and try to apply for PLPD. I get the following error when after clicking the link to apply by logging in through steam: Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
  6. Jazz™

    GoodBye for now.

    Take care mate, hope you enjoy your trip ;)
  7. Jazz™

    I keep dropping from the server.

    Well, @Slayerduck It's been a while, but I finally tested to see if I had any lost packets and it turns out when I drop from the server I have neither any lost packets for google or Perpheads. Got any suggestions?
  8. Jazz™

    LOL. Love how you went out of your way to rate one of my posts bad spelling.

    LOL. Love how you went out of your way to rate one of my posts bad spelling.
  9. Jazz™

    Happy birthday baby boy. Unfortunately you were banned on your birthday lmao

    Happy birthday baby boy. Unfortunately you were banned on your birthday lmao
  10. Jazz™

    Dreadful lagspikes

    I too am experiencing this terrible lag. This new update really needs to get pushed back until they fix the lag because it takes the piss. Ontop of these lag spikes, my game is still constantly dropping from the server, and this only started happening since the new update. I can't wait until...
  11. Jazz™

    Recommending Jazz

    Awww, you're making me blush. :shamefullyembarrased:
  12. Jazz™

    AR on dom, jazz and james simeon

    You were quite fast to write this AR. For a start, how do you know if we have an escape plan or not? You just assumed this. All you've posted is a gif of us running towards regals. I personally think this is quite petty and is just a really unnecessary AR. As stated by Dom, we jumped into a...
  13. Jazz™

    I keep dropping from the server.

    Welp, just lost another 4 pots and 20 seeds because I dropped, and I'm not getting a refund for it because I've already asked. Nice one. -_-
  14. Jazz™

    I keep dropping from the server.

    Not entirely sure where I should post this, but I've got a problem where I keep dropping from the server. Typically every time I join, I end up dropping twice before I can start playing properly without dropping again. This is very irritating and just wondering if anyone knows what my problem...
  15. Jazz™

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name:Jazz Williams Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:34589583 What do you need refunded:4 large pots, 10 coke seeds and 10 weed seeds. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because I dropped from the server literally seconds after planting all four pots. Evidence: Tick:
  16. Jazz™

    What was your first perspective on PERP?

    One of my friends told me to join the server and said it was pretty cool. I joined, thought the server was pretty gay, got called a n*gger by everyone, got mugged a lot, broke a lot of rules, started flinging people into the air with props, got banned for a week, came back, got banned for...
  17. Jazz™

    AR on Jason Brooks

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Jazz Williams His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Jason Brooks His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:2425213 Why Should This Player Be Punished:Stalling like hell, failure to comply during a mugging, ignoring /me's. We wanted a screenshot of his inv after doing a /me searches man for items...
  18. Jazz™

    Bye Puma123, the rebranding

    We live and die by your orders, boss! o7
  19. Jazz™

    Lmao, that's from anonymoose, right?

    Lmao, that's from anonymoose, right?
  20. Jazz™

    Post your current setup!

    Shit phone, so photo is shit. GTX 1070 Founders 16GB DDR4 2133 Mhz HyperX ram I5 6600 MSI B150M mortar 3 TB worth of hard drives Coolermaster TX3i Some shit case from a spanish site
  21. Jazz™

    Question regarding drug placement.

    I'm autistic, deal with it
  22. Jazz™

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #14

    Your road texture doesn't look like aids, tell me your secret... NVM, it changed
  23. Jazz™

    What a wonderful world. ft Jazz Williams

    I'm so good at singing
  24. Jazz™

    Question regarding drug placement.

    According to @Adrish , planting drugs in an unowned property is breaking 3.9. I myself, have grown a few times in an unowned property and, for example even been caught IC by @TinySlayer whilst growing in unowned office. He never said anything to me about it so specify it in the rules for...
  25. Jazz™

    Ya like jazz?

    Ya like jazz?
  26. Jazz™

    Paralake stories - Welcome to Paralake

    I got a decent part of screen time at the end :D It was pretty good, but a bit too long.
  27. Jazz™

    Paint profile pictures.

    @CodezBlack I present to you, a not too dark Ainsley Harriot, with extra rape.
  28. Jazz™

    A good whiskey?

    What's your price range?
  29. Jazz™


  30. Jazz™

    AR on Legion of Darkness

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Jazz Williams His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Brandon Casavant His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:028959830 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I had to GP him because he wanted to get into the back of my shop which had dead bodies and drugs, and he also GP'd my friend. I was behind him...