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  1. Askasta


  2. Askasta

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    So this is the update you meant roen ?. lol Overall sounds really cool with the police nerf but this whole bazaar door removal sounds really sus. Just make a rule that you not allowed to hide from bank robbery if that is your main goal. Bazaar is a great place for people to grow drugs and craft...
  3. Askasta

    Action Request (unkown)

    Your Steam Name: Askasta Your Roleplay Name: Pelius Heimschmidt Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82185287 Player's Steam Name: unkown Player's Roleplay Name: unkown Player's SteamID: unkown Why should this player be punished?: Hello, I was basing at Projex 4 with 2 friends i brought here...
  4. Askasta

    oh yess......

    oh yess......
  5. Askasta

    im back, are you still araound ?

    im back, are you still araound ?
  6. Askasta

    Biggest investment wins/losses (crypto and/or stocks)

    Threw 350€ into CRO Coin to get ruby card and then like 1 week later the whole FTX stuff happend and then i watched those 350€ wich were freshly locked for 3 months down to 250ish€ luckly since im a Person who likes to use digital money to spend instead realcash i was able to make around 50ish€...
  7. Askasta

    Update Log 10/08/2022 - Lag Fix Attempt 1

    i hoard everything as possible, its easier to spend perp money rather then loosing items. So i transfer my wealth into items, to sell it when i need perp money. This game made me so greedy i think i have like 120 pots just from mingegrabbing empty raid places and collect leftovers. I became a...
  8. Askasta

    Update Log 05/08/2022

    never thought adding the ability to display pictures would be that funny and that helpfull in both ways lol. Nice work lads
  9. Askasta

    Paralake Partnership

    or all fun games till you get raided by paralake penguin ship or olsen banden while basing alone or with @ICEKILLER_99
  10. Askasta

    Paralake Partnership

    i really missed perp org beef. Its nice when its keept between orgs. Great to see this lads
  11. Askasta

    Paralake Partnership

    wait so u tellin me this is more about that the orgs want attention ?
  12. Askasta

    Paralake Partnership

    i jsut re-read everything, i somehow get it so brinch is saying they are not any other toxic org and blame collier for being it himself or how he dares to call them toxic org ? meh this aint for me. Back then when i was a sweater perp was a fast paste criminalRP game, back then you played legal...
  13. Askasta

    Paralake Partnership

    oh okey, but what is the discussion about? for the first time in my life i see perp high team or perp staff show it to the outside, most of the time they keep staff discussions under themselves
  14. Askasta

    Paralake Partnership

    what i meant with my question is, if this is IC why yall posting pics of raiding eachother. Cannot the PD put out warrants ?
  15. Askasta

    Paralake Partnership

    i dont know why but if a fraction has "paralake" in their name and its a org, it gives me paralake pengiunship vibes xd. Good luck with this m8
  16. Askasta

    New IP 11-06-2022

    new ip change to test if the server gets shown much earlier ?
  17. Askasta

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    how do you know exactly that its the 2400 one
  18. Askasta

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    I think my result is interesting, i currently live in germany but i managed to trick steam into changing my region into turkish so i can buy games for cheaper as example: Rainbows six siege costs 20€ in the German steam market, in the Turkish steam market it costs 89TL wich is 4,87€ Euro back...
  19. Askasta

    Server features you (don't) miss

    -i miss having the difficulty to progress via marksmanship -i miss drugging in forest with @ICEKILLER_99 where he drove us with his green mazda i think it was and then we placed a watch so we could see how long until drugs finished -i miss troll calling @ICEKILLER_99 because i liked how simple...
  20. Askasta

    10 kills + medic [War dogs x Gentelmen's Club] vs Cops at office

    you couldve used that medic to heal yourself or revive ur mates
  21. Askasta

    The 'Best' Name You Ever See Someone Have In PH

    Julian Amberto
  22. Askasta

    Lua Bug Report (Chem table problem, interaction with it was impossible)

    its because you were probably crafting
  23. Askasta

    So how is Perpheads doing?

    bro the server became much better, i can actually mingegrab without staff punishing me. Jokes by side. When i joined perp i think 2017 cause i had a tooter acc from that timestamp, olsen and paralake pengiungs fucked me in my ass and nobody cared that you are new and even raided you cause you...
  24. Askasta

    shotout to tinky btw cause i saw his ass enter slums and wonder where the ak and mossberg went...

    shotout to tinky btw cause i saw his ass enter slums and wonder where the ak and mossberg went HAHAHHAHA
  25. Askasta

    who said im gone my boi, im still playing last week i mingegrabbed 1 scar, 1 m24 scout sniper...

    who said im gone my boi, im still playing last week i mingegrabbed 1 scar, 1 m24 scout sniper from bank raid after cops killed raiders. then from some projex raid i yoinked 2 ak's 101 and a pistol. Life is good
  26. Askasta

    you literlly jsut got unbanned

    you literlly jsut got unbanned
  27. Askasta

    Meta gaming

    wait what staff can unmute mics ingame
  28. Askasta

    andrew stop catching ban after ban

    andrew stop catching ban after ban