Search results

  1. Vault Corporation

    Here’s the question. What happens if you can’t pay back your finance?
  2. Map Suggestion Bring back McUwes ghost

    Why did we even get rid of mcuwes?
  3. GOOC Charity Final Day

    Good to hear. Ill try and get on the server before the 28th and shoot you all my cash (I dont play much anymore so dont see the point in having it sit there)
  4. GOOC Charity Final Day

    This sounds like buying In game money but with extra steps. I get its for charity however has this been cleared with the admins?
  5. A guide for medics : How to see the big sick vs little sick

    Okay so you arrive to a 911 call you have the following patients 1 person has broken there legs but overall is fine 1 person has been shot and is bleeding 2 people are bruised 1 person is on the floor moaning You have to choose who you help first so you have to sort your people into 2...
  6. Paintball: Why or why not?

    Honestly go airsoft 1. In the long run it’s cheaper . You can get 5k bbs for like £10 2. Gear looks more realistic (if that’s your sorta thing) 3. Hurts more but won’t leave toh with a fuck off bruise
  7. Perpheads and Mental Health: A conversation

    Bearing in mind its been over a year and a half since I played on perp. Let’s be honest guys The world is shit There’s a cost of living crisis, mental health issues in under 25’s and 18s is raising every year. Fuck all support for mental health conditions back when I was a lil shit who spent...
  8. Who strikes fear into you and why?

    The fear of the unknown.
  9. Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    ahh so a bit like st johnd Ambo
  10. Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    Basically during the first lockdown since events weren’t running I was working with the NHS doing Covid testing and vaccinations and I dunno why but I found it extremely fulfilling that I was helping people. Since I stopped doing that I felt like something was missing in my life so did some...
  11. Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    Heres a little tip. Get two disposable masks. Inbetween the masks add toothpaste and create a mask sandwich, wear it and should help with the smell
  12. Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    Still intresting though
  13. Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    Wow guys genuinely quite intresting to see we have so many people who work in some form of public service/healthcare
  14. Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    Hey there everyone. (Yes its fin) So its been a while so why dont I give you a little update about what I have been up to. Back working in events however I am not finding it as fullfilling anymore. I always have looked back at my time when I was working in the NHS as a covid tester/vaccinator...
  15. Map Suggestion court

    that’s actully not a bad idea. Identured servitude
  16. Map Suggestion court

    An idea could be to have a court system for civil matters? This would mean that you won’t be sitting in jail and the court system can exist for folks that want to use it. For example you got scammed out out 15k by someone? Better call Saul Someome nicked your car and totalled it? Sue them in...
  17. Update Log 10/08/2022 - Lag Fix Attempt 1

    Who the fuck has 10k newspaper
  18. RFID/NFC Implants

    I mean he thinks it’s cool but if others do that is still up for debate
  19. RFID/NFC Implants

    Hey there. Basically it entirely depends on your use case if it would be worth it. I have a mate who uses it as a physical key for his crypto wallet. As well as I have another who has a chip which he’s programmed with his contact info so he can just swipe his hand on the back of phones in the...
  20. Unfornately I am too busy. But I will respond to your request in the regulation 10 working days

    Unfornately I am too busy. But I will respond to your request in the regulation 10 working days
  21. The Informal's

    Is this the FBI all over agian where they did the biggest rug pull in perp history
  22. Rule Suggestion (2.1 Play Realistically)

    We need the balance between gameplay and realism. I believe this would be a step too far into realism. For example it’s not realistic for weed and coke to grow within a few hours but we have it on the server.
  23. My cat did it

    My cat did it
  24. Important message for “CBD Herb” users in the U.K.: It’s still illegal.

    okay guys Benji is doing the right thing. Education about this sorta thing is important. However just to make folks aware the cancard scheme isn’t actully a “legal” way to buy/posess flower The only truly legal way is to go to a clinic (Lookup patient twenty21 or sapphire clinics) where it is...
  25. Server Suggestion Make it so the defib from medics stuns person

    People can run over people with cars but do we remove them no
  26. All the Mods 6

    You say that
  27. All the Mods 6

    Does the server have good anti cheat? Not that I dont trust people but it is perp after all
  28. Server Suggestion Ziptie on downed and/or knocked down officers

    Dead poeple arent really a risk NGL. If your going to put away your gun, take the time to cable tie someome because your afraid they will be revived just make sure to double tap. I dont think this is needed
  29. Server Suggestion Tiny calc as a ingame app for vip's

    Pointless NGl: just open chrome and type in the address.
  30. ANPR

    Can we get some clarfication on if this is allowed?