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  1. Smily

    Video - Official MAC Business

    i think we found our next rogue cop
  2. Smily

    Video - Official MAC Business

    you noob
  3. Smily

    Video - Official MAC Business

    @Inchs so be it
  4. Smily

    Video - Official MAC Business

  5. Smily

    Video - Official MAC Business

    Big Mac you sonnovabitch u did it again. Till the next shift - Eagle 1
  6. Smily

    Each set sold seperately

    Each set sold seperately
  7. Smily

    I'm Larry Arthauer and I'll refrain From touching my neighbors kid's again What I did was not...

    I'm Larry Arthauer and I'll refrain From touching my neighbors kid's again What I did was not too kind But I'm a nice guy, you'll come to find I've got a backyard and a real nice pool Y'all should come over for a BBQ We could make some cold drinks in my blender But do keep in mind I'm a sex offender
  8. Smily

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    @LEWIS 088 I get what you're trying to say but right now in this community, there is a multitude of problems causing people to leave, toxicity being one of them. I'm trying to provide some insight into what I think classes the server as serious RP and yet the only thing you have to offer as a...
  9. Smily

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    @Robin Ljungberg the server classes itself as a serious RP server, yet you can't find that aspect in non-PD RP. Wanting to seriously RP as a PD is something quite a bit of people enjoy doing and it gives them this serious element they look for, yet you never seem to be able to appreciate that fact.
  10. Smily

    AR on Festive Smiley Cyrus

    mate, we were with 3 in the car I just didn't tag the 3rd one calm down. I and those 2 other cops all witnessed you scamming that man. We recognized you after that shooting and those other people were shooting at you because you scammed him for 20k. I confirmed with the shooter that you were the...
  11. Smily

    AR on Festive Smiley Cyrus

    @Niko and I were patrolling around the area and you were standing with a firearm on your back for an excessive amount of time, we started timing you from then and gave you 30 seconds after which we told you to put the gun away as you were not acting lawfully. We noticed you were talking to the...
  12. Smily

    Revamping Car Upgrades Slightly

    Discussion Post: Main idea: Revamping Car Upgrades Slightly Full description of the idea: I was thinking of a system similar to how genetics currently function. You would go to the car workshop like normally and...
  13. Smily

    wercome to the lice fierds mothelfuckel

    wercome to the lice fierds mothelfuckel
  14. Smily

    Hello Tom!

    Hello Tom!
  15. Smily

    No vietnam liberation

    No vietnam liberation
  16. Smily

    ¿KCT? ¿MARSOF?

    ¿KCT? ¿MARSOF?
  17. Smily

    PERPNet is dangerous

  18. Smily

    SWAT van being used as a weapon still? And more PD Foul Play?

    Why take a risk when fighting someone who you know is out to kill you by getting out of the swat van? It just plain unnecessary to do so.
  19. Smily

    Lower TFU armor

    @NeluDaHunter what the hell are you even saying "I don't think the PD should be the main enemies of criminals" are you seriously trying to argue that an organization LITERALLY made to fight crime shouldn't be the criminals number one enemy? Who the hell is suppost to be then? @Tilin "The PD...
  20. Smily

    Dat leer je ook bij de mariniers en het voordeel van mariniers is dat je gelijk kan doorstromen...

    Dat leer je ook bij de mariniers en het voordeel van mariniers is dat je gelijk kan doorstromen. Bij het AT moet je ook dingen met zwemmen doen deel van de selectie bestaat zelfs uit een vlot maken en over een rivier brengen met jezelf erop. Bovendien alles wordt je geleerd op de opleiding...
  21. Smily

    Waarom ga je niet naar het AT van de marechaussee? De BSB is daar een interne functie, als je...

    Waarom ga je niet naar het AT van de marechaussee? De BSB is daar een interne functie, als je bij de DSI zou willen via het leger dan lijkt korps mariniers mij een betere optie aangezien ze direct daarvan kunnen solliciteren. (ik wil zelf bij AT via polite dus ik heb me er erg in verdiept)
  22. Smily

    Arma 3 Fun

    That tank was the stuff of nightmares
  23. Smily

    October is a mighty month...

    Playing the long con
  24. Smily

    advanced roundabout

    what about parallel parking spots???
  25. Smily


    prolonged heat and lack of moisture give an excellent birthing place for fires especially in vegetated areas like forests. And while air quality in itself can't make grass spontaneously combust there can be things like glass bottles acting like a magnification glass that causes a flame. All you...
  26. Smily

    Wtf A green racoon

    Wtf A green racoon
  27. Smily

    9.2 Physical assault with an offensive weapon (reword)

    Wouldn't intentionally missing just come down to attempting or planning a crime (9.2) and maybe 9.3?
  28. Smily


    Your in-game name: Aladeen Nose Steam ID: What do you need to be refunded: 25K in repair money (maybe bank raid money I was the last survivor and escaping before that meddling DDos) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: There was a DDOS which caused me to crash my car at high speed while...
  29. Smily

    Parts of the game with no use

    I've been thinking for a while that new players need to get some basic things to be able to survive better in perp, like a bit more spawn money a basic phone or map item which will show them the way more.