“Force drop” or “force zip tie” function for admins.

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Main idea:
A godstick tool that either forces item and cash dropping or a force zip tie function.

Add an admin tool that either:
- Forces players to drop cash and items
- zip ties the selected player with zipties that dont require consent to search someone and take there items.

- Less 3.4 inconveniencing players
- Less bans / warnings / ARs

- Potential admin abuse?
- idk maybe people won’t have to pay for zipties as much.
- An admin would have to be present for this to fully work.​
I don't think forcing players to drop everything will work particularly well, as it will cause issues if someone has lots of stuff on them. Being able to choose a specific item will also be a pain as it would require the server to send a list and the client to choose a selection to drop.

However, being able to force someone into zip ties is fairly simple. We already have the code for handcuffing people, so it would just be a case of expanding that.
It wouldn’t force drop all items at once of course, could work as such:
- swinging the godstick at a person reveals a menu similar to the player search menu.
- instead of a tick box, there’s a button next to the item that says “drop item”.

That way, admins can literally force players to drop unstored minge grabbed items specifically.
Presumbly you're using a sql database so what would stop you from running an SQL query to fetch the players inventory.

You already have a similar bit of code running for police searches, just replace the part where the item is confiscated to drop instead.
Your reply confuses me...

We only fetch inventory for client when they join. After that its stored on both server and client in a GLua table.

ofc this is possible, most things are possible. Question is should we? Doing this will take sometime... and will it even be used? A force ziptie is a much better option, as you can mug ziptied players by pressingR on them
Fair enough, I was unaware that you only retrieved inventory upon joining & leaving. I was primarily picking up on @TinySlayer 's comment saying "as it would require the server to send a list and the client to choose a selection to drop. "
@CaughtRed What he was referring to is that the client only holds their own inventories. So we would have to send the rule breakers item list to the staff member, and then send a list of items that should be dropped back to the server.
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