Yeah, best of luck insiding an org that you're too skill gapped to join, and which 16:9 member joined your org? You've been in the bootleg 1% that had to recruit the rejects after the actual good and cool people got banned from monolith, copeWhat you on lmao? You mean how I was gonna inside you're org. That's why you're 16:9 member joined are org? I've been in 1% for years and never will leave it. Been my gang since mono.

Respect, I like you DnChops probably cause I didn't know you on Monolithwhy are u getting heated on forums as if you didnt rage over a couple raids and defenses and then decide na cmontaking this way tooserious

CHRIS FLYNN? Bro I think you got the wrong orgnot even, you lot was in a raid i had my kos still. chriss flynn was sat outside for like 5 10 minute waiting for nlr so i just kosed him and got a warn for it