11.15: Criminal Investigations.

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United Kingdom
What law do you wish to Edit/Add: I wish to edit 10.3 and add a law named 11.15: Criminal Investigations

Your version of the law: 10.3:
For any convictions to be made, law-enforcement officers must have appropriate evidence; for a person to be arrested and charged with a crime, an active government employee must have witnessed them commit the respective crime(s) first-hand, while on duty, or a criminal investigation must have returned satisfactory results and have been approved by the Lieutenant as of law 11.5. With regards to witness statements, suspicious circumstances, and DNA, these forms of evidence, if not sufficient for a charge, if appropriate to do so, can potentially allow for the temporary detainment of suspects for questioning.

11.5: Criminal Investigations and charges resulting:
If a person is believed to have committed a crime, they can be charged if they have a motive, a mean, an opportunity, and have been witnessed committing the crime or if a confession has been gathered from the suspect. A reasonable amount of circumstantial evidence must have also been gathered to prove the crime took place and was committed by the suspect, such as DNA, weapons, bullet-holes, etc.

Finally, the charge must be approved by an on duty Lieutenant. If a Lieutenant is not on duty to approve the charge, the suspect cannot be charged in any way.

Why do you believe this law should be Added/Edited: This would greatly deepen police RP, and make crimes far harder to plan and clean up. The RP from following a trail of clues and putting them together to imprison a suspect would also be incredibly rich and generally a good thing for the server. My expectations might be a little high for this, but if it is added, being a police officer will become a whole load more deep.

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