12.3 Traffic Lights

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double mini roundabout
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: This is a change to the current law.

What law do you wish to change/add: 12.3 Traffic Lights
Original version:
Drivers of vehicles must come to a complete stop at a red traffic light. When meeting an amber traffic light, drivers must come to a complete stop if it is safe and possible to do so.
My Version:
Drivers of vehicles must come to a complete stop at a red traffic light. When meeting an amber traffic light, drivers must come to a complete stop if it is safe and possible to do so. Drivers of vehicles aiming to turn left onto Main Street at the highway intersection must wait until the green filter arrow activates to signal them to cross over safely.

Why should this change/addition be made: right just to let you know i know this isnt how it works in real life but considering the really short render distance on gmod and the fact the speed limit there is 50 mph which is too fast for me i think this law should be implemented!

What is the aim of this change/addition: allows vehicles to cross the intersection safely. Reduces the amount of accidents that may occur

Additional Information: More info can be found here : https://perpheads.com/threads/intersection-101.10006/
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Massive support for a few reasons, mainly being what you stated; reducing vehicular accidents. If something like this is implemented already I think we should give it a strong reason for being there (In this instance we add it's function to law 12.3). Quite annoying when you have the signal to turn and then you get side swiped or t-boned 90% of the time.

Would probably also reduce the amount of times I get called a braindead retard by a criminal in the back of my cruiser when im stopped at a green light waiting for my turn signal :D
This is not going to work very well as these intersection lights are quite badly scripted for approaching vehicles so basically if you wait for that green arrow and other vehicle comes from other direction, entire intersection will change its color.
Already a law in place for this, aka the right of way law. Basically how it works is as follows. When turning at a traffic light and the arrow isn't present you do not have the right of way (Unless you are going straight) therefore all users turning either left or right, must give users who are driving straight down the road the right of way. Also when turning you must turn into the lane closest to you do if your on the side closer to a certain lane left or right you should always turn into the closest lane.
Massive -support for two reasons. 1, that's not how traffic lights work, if it's green, it's green. and 2, how will having people stop in the fast lane more frequently reduce accidents? Sure people won't be turning, but someone could just as easily end up hitting someone from behind then giving how much attention people pay when they drive in PERP

hello can u not read ? ? ? ?

So, if it's not done in real life, why would we do it here? The render distance is long enough to see if someone is coming. This "massive problem" happens usually when someone runs a red light, not when someone makes a turn legally.