12.7 - Emergency Vehicles

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Amendment

What law do you wish to change/add: 12.7, Emergency Vehicles.

Why should this change/addition be made:
12.7 Emergency Vehicles
Upon the approach of an emergency vehicle with its lights or sirens activated drivers must pull to the rightmost side of the road to allow the vehicle to pass.If the vehicle remains behind them they must come to a stop at the nearest safe location.

Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine.

12.7 Emergency Vehicles

Upon the approach of an emergency vehicle making use of its emergency lights and/or sirens, drivers must slow down, indicate and pull to the rightmost side of the road to allow the vehicle to pass. Furthermore, the action of overtaking any authorized emergency vehicle using its emergency lights and/or sirens whilst it actively is moving or blocking the road shall be deemed against the law. If the emergency vehicle remains behind them they must come to a stop at the nearest safe location.

Infraction - liable to $2,000 $3,500 maximum fine.

What is the aim of this change/addition: The aim of this is first of all to make it safer for emergency services to get to a incident as fast as possible. And in addition, also make it more known that this in-fact, is a law. I have also noticed there is no actual definition of an emergency vehicle in the penal code.

Additional Information: Create a Emergency Vehicle definition within the Terminology.

Credits; @Topher @KeiwaM for their great points!
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I agree with this a lot but this law is never enforced since government employees usually have more pressing matters to respond to than some idiot on the road
I agree with this a lot but this law is never enforced since government employees usually have more pressing matters to respond to than some idiot on the road

That might be true, but if someone passes me on the road i'm gonna smash on my brakes and get out with my gun so i'm gonna end up wanting arresting them either way.

In the end; You can set out a BOLO or find the person later down the road. Individuals should be pressured by law to yield to emergency vehicles. It always depends on the situations. Sometimes it gets canceled and sometimes you find them again like i said. It still shouldn't be a lawful thing at the end of the day, should it? @nutrient10
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That might be true, but if someone passes me on the road i'm gonna smash on my brakes and get out with my gun so i'm gonna end up wanting arresting them either way.
most realistic peace officer roleplay on the server
I would actually love to see this change go through and people actually follow the law as well. I often move aside when an emergency vehicle wants to overtake me, but unfortunately I'm one of the few...
That might be true, but if someone passes me on the road i'm gonna smash on my brakes and get out with my gun so i'm gonna end up wanting arresting them either way.

In the end; You can set out a BOLO or find the person later down the road. Individuals should be pressured by law to yield to emergency vehicles. It always depends on the situations. Sometimes it gets canceled and sometimes you find them again like i said. It still shouldn't be a lawful thing at the end of the day, should it? @nutrient10
Of course, I didn’t make it very clear but I meant to imply that this law should be more enforced as I’ve personally never seen it enforced much
@blobvis 2.0 can you please give feedback tho so i get your point

Furthermore, the action of overtaking any authorized emergency vehicle using its emergency lights and/or sirens shall be deemed against the law.

You are now forbidding people to overtake any emergency vehicle meaning even if they stand still for what reason ever they want (even if it is just 5 sec to check a computer or respond to a fellow officer), you will be ticketed for 3.5k cause of this.

If the emergency vehicle remains behind them they must come to a stop at the nearest safe location.
especially with faster vehicles you won't notice if a cop is behind you or not, furthermore they could head for the same location as yours meaning you will be pulling over for no reason and hinder anything you were planning to do.

An emergency vehicle shall be defined as an vehicle that is designated to respond to any emergency in a life threatening situation, and is actively being operated by the Paralake Police Department, Fire Department or Emergency Medical Services.
meaning you giving more rights to EMS, Fire department and PLPD to drive through red and crash into other vehicles which should not be the case as they speed while for example you are coming in 50mph towards intersection with greenlight causing you to crash which should be the fault of an emergency vehicle because they have to dodge traffic while going to an incident.[/quote]
You are now forbidding people to overtake any emergency vehicle meaning even if they stand still for what reason ever they want (even if it is just 5 sec to check a computer or respond to a fellow officer), you will be ticketed for 3.5k cause of this.

especially with faster vehicles you won't notice if a cop is behind you or not, furthermore they could head for the same location as yours meaning you will be pulling over for no reason and hinder anything you were planning to do.

meaning you giving more rights to EMS, Fire department and PLPD to drive through red and crash into other vehicles which should not be the case as they speed while for example you are coming in 50mph towards intersection with greenlight causing you to crash which should be the fault of an emergency vehicle because they have to dodge traffic while going to an incident.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will edit the post so that it becomes better for all parties

I will also push for policies in PLPD regarding the usage of Lights and sirens. And potentially suggest new laws for it.

- wrutten on phone
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Thanks for the suggestion. I will edit the post so that it becomes better for all parties

I will also push for policies in PLPD regarding the usage of Lights and sirens. And potentially suggest new laws for it.

- wrutten on phone[/QUOTE]

btw why should the limit be increased to 3.5k?
You are now forbidding people to overtake any emergency vehicle meaning even if they stand still for what reason ever they want (even if it is just 5 sec to check a computer or respond to a fellow officer), you will be ticketed for 3.5k cause of this.

This could easily be countered by putting "if the vehicle is moving" on.

especially with faster vehicles you won't notice if a cop is behind you or not, furthermore they could head for the same location as yours meaning you will be pulling over for no reason and hinder anything you were planning to do.

What? This law is already in place, literally all he changes is the definition of Vehicle. Besides that, no place on the map is above 80mph and all basic police vehicles (With the exceptions of Cadillac, Rover and Van) go at least 80 so if you do not see the lights, then you are breaking the law anyway.

meaning you giving more rights to EMS, Fire department and PLPD to drive through red and crash into other vehicles which should not be the case as they speed while for example you are coming in 50mph towards intersection with greenlight causing you to crash which should be the fault of an emergency vehicle because they have to dodge traffic while going to an incident.

Noone responding to any incident is invincible. While responding, the driver of the emergency vehicle has the responsibility to drive safely during response as defined under Law 4.3 Exceptions From Law: "A government emergency service worker does not act unlawfully if their actions are contrary to any law and their actions are reasonable, justifiable and proportionate and are necessary for the effective execution of their duties. "
Any member of EMS, Fire or Police responding with sirens is an emergency and should be treated like one. Therefore this change. A crash caused by a responding emergency vehicle will always be the fault of the emergency unit unless the crash was a direct cause of another person's lawbreak.

My suggestion to this post:

Change definition of when you are allowed to overtake to "emergency vehicle using its emergency lights and/or sirens whilst moving shall be deemed against the law " because people are stupid and can't think to themselves what this means without exact definition.

Add a point that explains that during response, an emergency vehicle carries the response for driving safely to the incident scene.
While an emergency vehicle is responding with lights and sirens, the driver must ensure that his or her driving is safe and is not cause for any other injury or harm to person or property.

But I definetly like this change.
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In Addition, the emergency vehicle in question must either be physically moving and/or blocking the road.
Furthermore, the action of overtaking any authorized emergency vehicle using its emergency lights and/or sirens whilst it actively is moving or blocking the road shall be deemed against the law.

@KeiwaM @blobvis 2.0 this good?
Yes and please add the adittion of responsibility I posted

i wanna make a specific law regarding driving with lights and sirens for Law Enforcement. if you wanna hop on TS and discuss it with me it'd make me happy.

You don't overtake a shouldered/static vehicle, you drive past it. Overtaking is passing a vehicle in motion going on the same road
in the same direction as you. Here is the foremost authority on the subject

if the you are speeding away from the cop, and you are not in his way, you are not violating the law because you are not obstructing him and he is not visible if he isn't close to you (as would be the case in a fast car). if you are both heading to bazaar (for example) and he is behind you with lights and sirens, then he has priority to get there asap to perform his duties and you need to let him get there first (as in the real world). you are NOT pulling over for no reason; you are letting him through so he can get to his assigned incident quickly.

this definition of emergency vehicles does not give them any more leeway. all uses of exemption from traffic laws already have to be justified under the law, similarly to use of force. (does this action recklessly endanger anyone else? is it necessary? is it within my means?) @blobvis 2.0
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this definition of emergency vehicles does not give them any more leeway. all uses of exemption from traffic laws already have to be justified under the law, similarly to use of force. (does this action recklessly endanger anyone else? is it necessary? is it within my means?) @blobvis 2.0

emergency vehicle is not defined in any way throughout the whole penal code. Which means, the law wouldn't specifically apply to any vehicles.