12.8 - Collisions - RENAME and REMAKE

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Czech Republic
Is this a new law or a change to a current law:
Change 12.8 Collisions to - 12.8 Hit and Run

What law do you wish to change/add: 12.8


12.8 Collisions
Drivers involved in a collision with any person or object must stop at the scene of the incident and inform the police of the incident.

Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine.


12.8 Hit and Run
§1: Driver(s) involved in a collision with any person or object must:
  • stop and stay at the scene of the incident
  • put hazard lights on
  • refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and other addictive substances
  • cooperate with emergency servicies
  • prevent from damage to other persons or things
§2: Driver(s) must call the LEO, if:
  • there is anyone injured
  • damage is worth of $2,000 and more
  • damaged objects block off a road
  • dispute can not be resolved by agreement
§3: If driver(s) failed to stop at the scene and caused a visible damage or injury, commits a felony of Hit and Run.

Felony - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment and $3,000 maximum fine.


Collision - An event where object(s) crashed into something and are visibly damaged

Also a few laws that could help out with the incident:

9.6 Manslaughter
10.2 Failing to report a crime
12.12 Reckless Driving

12.13 Driving under the influence
12.5 Road Markings and Signage

Why should this change/addition be made:

I believe that this law can help out emergency servicies dealing with collisions and traffic accident.

What is the aim of this change/addition:

To prevent people evading from traffic accidents also not to act irresponsibly.

Additional Information: Lawmakers have right to change my law as they wish as I believe I'm not really good at making laws.
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No overall the law is fine as it is now, if you break the law the police will come after you, no matter if you leave they can go after you for the law due to you leaving a crimescene.
The jailsentence is also complete bullshit, don't jail people for crashing and able to drive on due to small damage.
While the Hit and Run law is more realistic then what we have, the current law is more appropriate for our setting in the game. The current law requires that every instance of drivers colliding with another person or an object must be reported to the police for investigation to prove what occurred and what actions need to be taken to ensure that the driver can safely continue driving. The law we have now is more practical for our current system in place.
It's impossible to estimate damage costs at the side of the road so therefore your version of this law is impractical
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