2 Issues with my game.

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I seem to be having some issues, I have no idea how to fix these at this point and some help would be great.
@Fredy @Xquality @StephenPuffs

Issue 1: So it started off yesterday I joined PERP and my textures were messed up, I didn't seem to know why but cop cars were invisible, cops wore medic uniforms and pink and black squares everywhere, this all happened after I uninstalled a bunch off sandbox addons as I was getting this crashing issue(the crashing issue is in number 2). I didn't uninstall any of the perpheads content at all just sandbox shit, so then I tried to join the server again and I crashed on joining, after about a hour of trying to join I said I give up and i'll try something else to fix it, so I verified my game cache and tried again... nothing, so then I uninstalled all my addons (keep in mind at this point I only have Perpheads content) and reinstalled them, nothing again, so then I reinstalled my gmod, reinstalled all my addons for a second time with a fresh run of gmod, tried to join, still just crashing after completing workshop, this is very annoying cause I can join any other type of server but this one.

Issue 2: So this issue only happens when I can actually play the server, so right now its not my biggest concern as I can't even play at the moment as I crash every time on joining. My game will freeze, then ill lag for a second then I will freeze again, but this time its only my screen that is frozen cause I can still walk around and jump and do everything just my screen is frozen. then if I tab out and tab back in my screen just goes black, but I can still move around. This is really annoying as I literally have to restart my gmod to fix this as it freezes/black screens my whole game.
Problem 1 might be fixable by putting -dxlevel90 in your launch options. Oh and don't disable CSS content if you did.

Problem 2 are you sure you aren't in any way interfering with the game while it's loading the addons during connection? You might be accidentally clicking causing the game to not respond and then crash. If not, do you get any error? Seems pretty random but it has occured to people before.

Problem 3 try running the game in windowed/boarder less full screen instead of normal fullscreen that may fix your problem.
I had the texture issue you're having mate, Due to you having quite a number of problems i'd recommend unsubscribing from all workshop items for gmod, reinstall the game and then subscribe to the PH content. My game used to bug out sometimes too if I tabbed out and a reinstall fixed that too, Goodluck!
I remember having this problem a long ass time ago, it lasted around 2 weeks and i just couldn't get into perp at all, and when i finally did the textures were just messed up.

I'm pretty sure @Fredy told me to do what @mage has already said in a post above, and that worked for like a day or two, then my game just returned too its original broken state.

Basically, my advice would be to simply just wait it out, keep uninstalling and reinstalling the game and hoping that it'll work the next day, because honestly when i had this i spent the entire time just trying every solution possible.
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