3.17 Idling on the Job

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3.17 Idling on a Job
Players are not allowed to go idle for any period of time while performing a job, players should quit their job before going idle or use /report to inform a member of staff that they have gone idle

So we were having a discussion in the OOC chat about idling on the job while going to the toilet. There were a lot of different opininions about this because going to the toilet is something everyone does and is needed in life.

What do I mean with this? Well, imagine you need to go to the toilet so bad but you can't because you are on a job. You will need to resign and then go to the toilet. Atleast, this is what @Murtsley said.
In my opinion you could just go back the to PD and enter the PD toilets then inform the other police that you are on a Code 8 (Restroom break). This is realistic as everyone goes to the toilet in real life so why can't we go to the toilet in the server?

I'd like to get some more opinions about this so please fill in the poll in the top of this thread.
It's fine if people don't go AFK for longer than 2 minutes while they're on a job, if they're going to a toilet they can just write Code 8 and go AFK for 2 minutes (Optionally, you can literally go to a toilet in-game and then go AFK). If they aren't responding after I shake them up, they're just getting demoted and respawned, not sure why this would cause so many opinions but that's how I deal with AFKs on a job.
As @Creepis said. Most admins dont really mind if people are out for a quick piss. But if you fail to announce you are doing so, i.e make a report saying they are taking a quick piss, when someone else has reported you and we shake you around really quick, and you are not responding, we are going to demote and respawn you.

Make a report that you’re going idle then do what you want. If you don’t make a report you’ll get a warning and demoted, that’s how we do it we don’t care how long you’ll be. Make a report and there we go I have the exact same opinion on this as I do with banter late at night; it’s fine to do it, but as soon as someone reports you expect us to handle it appropriately.

Also, someone mentioned that Jordan goes idle as Police and to be honest I don’t care if he does, I’ll warn him where appropriate just as I would any other user. I’ve never seen Jordan do it so not sure if slander, but I’m sure Jordan (An Ex-Senior Administrator) would make a /report saying that he’s going Idle.​
As @Creepis said, but adding onto that, make a report regardless of how long you will be AFK. The report will be responded to once a substantial amount of time has passed and if you're still AFK, you will be dealt with.

Got yelled at by a senior officer for opening the door for my mom (thus going afk for like a min) He told me to just leave her outside
A minute or two never does any harm but as some adminges above have said they want a /report to let them know. Personally I would rather they just wait a minute or two before coming back, respawning/demoting you.
As murtsley said, make a report. I always try my best not to go afk but whether it's something such as the landline ringing, needing a piss or opening the front door, we kind of have to do them. If you know what you're going AFK for is going to take longer than 2 minutes then leave your job.

On quite a few occasions I've been afk so quick that people don't even know I'm gone.

Just use your brain. Don't go idle on job for long.
This rule is enforced based on discretion in most cases and if an Admin notices you've only been gone a minute or two you will likely be left alone. However if you give no indication for how long you're going AFK it is impossible for people to know, so if you're going for a cheeky leak just let someone know somehow and make sure you don't take too long.
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