3.30 edit

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:
3.30 Confiscation
No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such as under gun fire or assailants nearby. Evidence is permitted to be confiscated if the officer is unable to watch over the evidence and leaving it where it is would risk it being tampered with by a member of the public. LEOs also may not confiscate any evidence when highly outnumbered or very likely to lose an ongoing situation.

Your version of the rule:
3.30 Confiscation
No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such as under gun fire or assailants nearby. Evidence is permitted to be confiscated if the officer is unable to watch over the evidence and leaving it where it is would risk it being tampered with by a member of the public. LEOs also may not confiscate any evidence when highly outnumbered or very likely to lose an ongoing situation. Officers may only confiscate directly illegal items, such as weapons, drugs (including seeds), explosives, and explosives components. Firearm components, ammunition, magazines and attachments are legal and cannot be confiscated. Stolen items may also be confiscated however must typically be returned to their rightful owner.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
On several occasions now I’ve had cops in the detainment area demand I drop my magazines because they are “uSeD iLlEgAlLy”. I contact staff and they confirm I am correct that I should not drop them. A common rookie mistake from new officers, however since I’ve come across it, I only wonder how many new players fall victim to this and end up dropping all their mags and ammo.​
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