3.4 during mugging

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I am opening this thread to discuss the topic of people breaking 3.4 to die during a mugging so they can save their items or money even after facing punishment.


Keeping those items and cash unfairly when they should have lost them realistically. From what I know, this act of abuse towards the game is common.

Any ideas on how this problem can fixed?
In cases such an incident does occur, I usually offer the player a deal. If they hand over the valuables they had on them during the mugging, I consider giving them a less severe punishment. It's important to note that not everyone who does reports is as punctual as I, it plays a vital role in dealing with cases like this...

Don't see much other way to counter this
there should be either a way to loot them when dead, or that they drop the shit as they go uncon
there should be either a way to loot them when dead, or that they drop the shit as they go uncon
Your suggestion doesn't make sense you can't separate normal deaths from 3.4 breaks if anything everyone would be dropping their stuff when they died regardless of the reason hence why staff interference is always needed. Think of an actual idea before you post
Staff watch demo and logs, takes the amount of cash worth of drugs and money on them and puts it into the mugging players bank account after the infraction is given. "Since that is most likely what they were gonna take anyway"
If they don't have that amount of money still they go into negative money and cant buy anything till they get their money above 0.
So must work jobs and make money back.
Personally, I hope that through this discussion; a form of solution where players are forced to forfeit their belongings they would've lost in the mugging is implemented.
Your suggestion doesn't make sense you can't separate normal deaths from 3.4 breaks if anything everyone would be dropping their stuff when they died regardless of the reason hence why staff interference is always needed. Think of an actual idea before you post
shit works in all the other roleplay games/servers, like fivem, but wont work here? u gotta think about it
shit works in all the other roleplay games/servers, like fivem, but wont work here? u gotta think about it
Buddy this isn't FiveM or Rust your items aren't supposed to be looted when you die, you'd be crying in the reports a dozen times if that happened when you get RDM'd, this has been this way for ages for a reason make it make sense
Buddy this isn't FiveM or Rust your items aren't supposed to be looted when you die, you'd be crying in the reports a dozen times if that happened when you get RDM'd, this has been this way for ages for a reason make it make sense
rust isnt roleplay, fivem is a shitty "rp" like thing
Buddy this isn't FiveM or Rust your items aren't supposed to be looted when you die, you'd be crying in the reports a dozen times if that happened when you get RDM'd, this has been this way for ages for a reason make it make sense
but well buddy ur comparing "rust" to roleplay so what do i know!
rust isnt roleplay, fivem is a shitty "rp" like thing
You're stating "OH IT WORKS ON FIVE/M IF IT'S NOT WORKING HERE, THEN THIS SERVER IS THE PROBLEM!!!!" no because you don't want your items dropped (like the games that I have mentioned) and then mingegrabbed by people when you die as it stirs a whole lot of other problems hence what I've been trying to iterate to your dunderheaded mind for the past two posts

I don't think you converse in sufficient English to understand the argument that I put forward, stop writing back to me please if you can't comprehend it properly thanks
if a player is reported for breaking gun point during a mugging, they should have to provide a demo proving what items they had on them - and then give them up, or face a ban rather than a warning imo
This should be a thing honestly
If a guy camps drug dealer and just rdms a person, sells his drugs and banks it. He might get banned or warned but he made really good profit.

Dropping drugs would just add more reason for people to break 2.5, 3.4 and be a pain for staff to refund or Investigate.
Staff already utilise methods to deal with players deliberately breaking 3.4 to prevent item loss. For example: where if a player refuses to hand over items that they would've lost during a mugging situation, the staff member can offer the choice of either banning them for a ridiculous length of time (6 month, etc.) and possibly have said items deleted or co-operate in exchange for only a warning/short ban - depending on the user's record of course.

This was a discussion that was took place during one of the staff meetings earlier this year and this was the guidance provided to all staff members by Senior Administration on the matter.