$4.000.000 Mega New Year's Giveaway!

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Hello Paralake!
As you all you know, New Year's Eve is around the corner, and having that in mind, some friends and I will be hosting a “New Year's” giveaway where our winners will get a nice start to 2023.

There are three ways to have a chance at the prize pool!
  1. Tell us your New Year's resolutions! If you have made any resolutions for the upcoming year feel free to share them here, it can be anything from learning a new skill, getting better at something, or maybe you have plans to spend less money gambling?
  2. Tell us what you are looking forward to the most in 2023!
  3. And for option number three let’s take a trip down memory lane! Show us your favorite moment of 2022! The videos or pictures we enjoy the most will have a chance to receive a mystery box containing values of a minimum $50.000,- on top of having your name added to the fortune wheel.

How we announce the winners:
Every participant will have their name added to a fortune wheel, the wheel will be spun 4 times. You will only need to answer one of the questions above to have your name added to the fortune wheel. There will be a stream hosted a couple of days after New Year's eve where everyone is welcome to watch the draw live. The draw will be announced a day before the stream in this thread.

Prize pool:
Main prize - $4.000.000,- divided among four people and one holiday doll to one lucky person.

Side draw - 5x mystery boxes containing a minimum of $50.000,- in value each.


Reginald Ficklestein aka Oddy - $3.150.000,- plus 2 mystery boxes.
Ethan Head aka @Efan - 1x Holiday doll of winner's choice.
Joe Ahmed aka @Brom Brom - $500.000,- plus 2 mystery boxes.
Amy Besst aka @Snusmus - $350.000,- plus 1 mystery box.

Additional information:
Your entry will have to be posted before the 1st of January for it to be considered.
There might be an increase in the prize pool, this will be announced if it happens.
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My resolution is to focus more on my mental health and find out more about myself.
Alongside that I'd like to care for my physical health as well and hit the gym every once in a while.

These past months haven't been treating me well but lets greet this year with a smile and hope for the best! :)
I have a few resolutions for myself however I have been told not talk too about 1 off my resolutions so I won’t go into that.
However one of my main resolutions is that I want too quit smoking
Another one is too focus more on my mental health rather then letting everything just sit at the back of my head
1. I don't celebrate new years but i will say my goal is to learn ways to bring it money and just finish highschool cause im sick of it.
2. summer break
3. i began playing gmod heavy and laid into making edits of my highlights. this video was what I consider the trailblazer for the rest which were to come. had nothing to do with perp and was just a server wide raid which was a 2v60-ish type scenario me and my partner did. I fought off like 5 cultist magicians and won with a scratch of health left to rescue my captured friend.
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