4.7: Compensation

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: This is a new law.

What law do you wish to change/add: Law 4.7: Compensation: In the event of damaged caused to property through negligence, officers must pay the individual compensation to cover costs of repair(s). Payouts may not exceed $10,000. Damaged property that can only be paid by the user can only be eligible for pay; for example, houses and other places of residence are covered by the bank and therefore can't be compensated for. Payouts are subject to a Supervisor's discretion.

Why should this change/addition be made: I see lots of officers put out many hazards which can cause more damage than good and it's unfair to the individual to have to pay the full price of the repairs, like putting barriers 2 feet away from an accident which doesn't give the individual enough time to slow down.

What is the aim of this change/addition: It aims to keep officers wary of any dangerous acts that may cause damage to an individual's property through carelessness. Hopefully this will stop them from continuing their insanity.

Additional Information: Payouts can't be made to property that the user doesn't pay repairs for, like blown-out doors through the use of C2.
I strongly agree with this. Maybe then the police will clean up there barricades and roadblocks instead of just leaving them out to cause an accident.
This doesn't work as you no longer can 'complain' about police inside of the actual game. If an officer fucks up you can no longer get them to receive any satisfying punishment trough IC methods. Almost on every occasion right now they just yell in your face: Oh you don't like what I'm doing? Make an IA complaint!

Because somehow in their flawed logic they think that either the complaint isn't going to get made, or that that it will get denied.

it takes a fuck ton of time and effort to make a complaint and every time some officer as you suggested, fucks up by placing a barricade to close to a scene on the highway that officer will deny wrongdoing to a supervisor. Thus, you would never get this compensation as the officer is a gov witness and its your word against his.
I see what you mean Rouge but what is far enough to set us barricade's from an incident? Like you have a lot of situations where you need to set up a long blockade and people will still crash in it, with this (new) law they will claim then that the officer or supervisor needs to pay. When someone is crashed in the barricade 9/10 time the hole blockade is gone and the officer has no proof then where the put the barricades up.
No, simply put 90% of drivers on perp don't look at the road and drive at 100mph+, even if they see a hazard they usually don't react to it. I don't want officers spending money out of their pockets while in most cases it's the driver's fault. Besides, if you think the officer intentionally caused damage to your vehicle, you can request a sup on scene.

Furthermore, 90% of the time there's roadcrew that can fix your vehicle for $500, or even for free if the officer is proven at fault
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I'd agree. I think these things should be handled via IA and it should be up to IA who's pocket it'll come out of. Within reason of course
I do agree that there needs to be a change to how this shold work out, but this idea itself I cannot support. Most of the time, people who end up crashing into a barricade do so as a result of speeding/reckless driving, regardless of how close the barricade is to a crash site, it would generally be unfair for both parties who would argue with each other, typically the officer winning because its someones word against another.

I propose a new system be in place for supervisors to requisition a payment system for Road Crew to pay for services caused by the department. Officers should never have to pay out of pocket as technologically they would fall under the department's insurance if acting in authority under the department. A system should be invented for supervisors to issue a $500 "check" for a department involved incident. All of these "checks" would be monitored/logged to audit and prevent abuse. Additionally, paperwork would need to be filed in regards to issuance of these checks every time one is issued. It is a lengthy system but in my opinion, it is the most fair and reasonable way to work out an issue like this.

I will be posting an idea soon.
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