4.7 Emergency Response Responsibility

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New

What law do you wish to change/add:

4.7 Emergency Response Responsibility

While an emergency vehicle is responding with lights and sirens, the driver must ensure that his or her driving is safe and is not cause for any other injury or harm to person or property. Furthermore, this law may not be exempted under Law 4.3.

Why should this change/addition be made:

This change is to prevent ANY member of the emergency services to drive without care for any other drivers or pedestrians on the road. I've countless times seen officers drive without care for others and then used law 4.3 as an excuse. It can vary but this law should be added as a final statement for any arguers.

What is the aim of this change/addition:

To avoid emergency services to drive without care for others and potentially cause other deaths and craches.

Additional Information: A definition of "Emergency Vehicle" would be required to be made under Section 1: Terminology (Suggestion here)

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