4 years? Boom headshot.

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Deleted member 5920

Your Steam/In-game Name: Ethan Belinsky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ozzie Walters
His/Her SteamID: don't know.
Reason: Possible metagame (How did they know it happened?), gunpointed an Officer over 4 years and then shot me.
Evidence: Will upload demo

If what you are saying is true, I'm going to change this to an +Support for sure.

Please Provoid an Demo ASAP;

I would also like to have an demo of the WHOLE roleplay situation, from the start when you arrest him and after just to make sure if it will be an +Support or -Support

Nice regards;

Since I am ossie walter In-Game, let me explain it from my point of view. I got told that you raided him for hearing a phonecall that was "suspicious" which isnt really a valid reason to raid someone, I do not belive that an officer walking in the inside of the apartments staircase would be able to hear a phonecall coming from an apartment and being able to class it as suspicious. There for I belived he had done something worse in order to get his apartment searched.

If my demo is needed you are going to see; how I catch an officer from the staircase inside of the apartment building and how I tell him to get the suspect back to the scene since he needs to confirm some more evidence(this was in order to get the suspect out of your hands). This officer types /me tries to reaches for his panic button. I catch him doing that and I decide to kill him and cancel the situation, since I couldnt have known if you were coming with the suspect or not.

Me and Jack walks out and then we knew the only way to solve this is either surrender or fight. You were the first one running into the scene even though you knew an officer had been killed, this kind of forces us to kill you if we wanted to avoid you guys. You should have waited for swat to take us out and later on clear the staircase from where the officer died. Instead you ran into us trying to escape and you got punished for it.

If my demo is needed to be provided aswell, tell me in the comment function.
Since I am ossie walter In-Game, let me explain it from my point of view. I got told that you raided him for hearing a phonecall that was "suspicious" which isnt really a valid reason to raid someone, I do not belive that an officer walking in the inside of the apartments staircase would be able to hear a phonecall coming from an apartment and being able to class it as suspicious. There for I belived he had done something worse in order to get his apartment searched.

If my demo is needed you are going to see; how I catch an officer from the staircase inside of the apartment building and how I tell him to get the suspect back to the scene since he needs to confirm some more evidence(this was in order to get the suspect out of your hands). This officer types /me tries to reaches for his panic button. I catch him doing that and I decide to kill him and cancel the situation, since I couldnt have known if you were coming with the suspect or not.

Me and Jack walks out and then we knew the only way to solve this is either surrender or fight. You were the first one running into the scene even though you knew an officer had been killed, this kind of forces us to kill you if we wanted to avoid you guys. You should have waited for swat to take us out and later on clear the staircase from where the officer died. Instead you ran into us trying to escape and you got punished for it.

If my demo is needed to be provided aswell, tell me in the comment function.

Thanks for admitting to metagaming, I'll upload my demo, at absolutely no point did you talk to him. Also I did not "run into the scene", I stayed outside awaiting Swat and more Officers, but one person did come out and I gunpointed him. Also 3.4 and 2.1 as you understood it, it was over a trivial thing so you gunpointed an Officer over that? On another note, do you even known this guy, who DCed whilst being arrested?
I belive you do not understand completely. If I were to know the actual reason for him being searched, I wouldnt have done it. Most likely I would have made a report cause your reason to search his property were invalid in the first case. Most of the time's when officers search buildings the owners have in most cases killed someone or done something like that, Which means that they are in some real trouble. I helped this guy since he was new to the server, that's why I thought helping him would make a difference about his thoughts of what the game mode "perp" truly was. There isnt always a bunch of jerks mugging newbies there is friendly players as well. Thats why I choosed to help him out as soon as he came and said to me; "Im new to this can you help?". I did so I helped him getting pots, seeds, shroomies, and I gave him money so that he could have a place to grow at. I told him to buy an apartment at Regals so he did, and when I came to visit he had already gotten some trouble. First off I was asking you Ethan, why is his property being searched.. You were showing no sign of listening not even a single response, You escorted him to the pd and in the meanwhile an officer arrived since you had asked for prisoner transport, I took him hostage told him to get the guy back, He choosed to attempt to press that panic button, thats what started it all. When I ran out I heard sirens I was running with my shotgun in my hands ready to fire, I managed to kill 2 officers. I couldnt have known you had him at gunpoint.
prisoner transport, I took him hostage told him to get the guy back

""5.6 Hostage Taking- Players may only take other players hostage if it is absolutely necessary, for example if taking a hostage will increase the chances of the player escaping the police then a hostage can be taken, Players taking hostages must follow rule 6.5 and 5.4, players that have been taken hostage must follow rule 6.7..""

Ozain for you to take him hostage is breaking 3.4 as you had no reason to do so, as rule 5.6 says a hostage may only be taken if it increases the chance of you escaping, it didn't. I believe rule 3.4 and 2.1 was broken here.
Alrighty, Im not saying that you guys don't understand me, It just looks like my demo is needed to be provided in order to get this solved easier.
Here's my demo, don't know if this is enough. Comment if you have any further questions.
yes the quality is potato, didnt want to upload the whole day.

I'll do this in bullet points:

  • I never raided over the pots, I am not stupid, you actually fastforwarded the bit of the convo that I raided for.
  • As for me raiding, I said, let me in or I will get a warrant, it's a great tactic, threaten to get a warrant and they normally let you in. But anyways, he let me in and showed me a coke plant so I then raided the rest. Dunno why swat turned up.
  • On my screen you were totally invisible which is why I seemed to ignore you, it also explains the situation outside where I seemingly ignored you, I just couldn't see you.
  • And the moving in on my own, at no point did I make any effort to move in. Swiper can confirm I pressed my panic button and waited for backup when I heard the first shot. I then covered the back door as I thought Jack (now deaded) was on the front one.
Let's look at what you did wrong:

  • You started a massive shootout over something you didn't even know about, 3.4 and 2.1.
  • You kidnapped an Officer over not knowing what was going on, in a public place, which caused Jeremy to alert me via 911 that you were gunpointing an Officer. So an other rule break.
  • Also I don't like the fact you skipped a chunk of the convo and start accusing me of raiding of plant pots, lying on a ban request?
Overall I feel that this needs to be punished, any more "problems" that you find just tell me in the comments.

Putting someone in for 4 years for talking about drugs - WRONG
- The RP you did there wasnt correct at all.
- Making fake excusses on Ozain when he is innocent, is WRONG.
- Moving in without SWAT when gunshots have gone off! 3.4??





Apparently the demo is edited, phone call was in someway changed.

If this is true I'll to 100% +Support this

Sorry for that Ethan!

Now apparentley you belive I would be meta gaming take another look, He asked me to get a baseball bat for him as I did. When I got there his appartment had been turned upside down cause of PD being there raiding him cause he had a phone call where he mentioned "planting pots"
Okay had to ask you this ethan since you were the lieutenant just one question, Do you belive your doing your job when you are looking to randomly search other peoples properties? He wasnt wanted for murder or anything like that so im asking you, what was your reason to enter his apartment with the whole swat team? Polices of the paralake police department got a bunch of other things on their todo list, knocking on citizens doors asking to enter and if they won't cooperate you'll warrant them isnt one of those things..
Okay had to ask you this ethan since you were the lieutenant just one question, Do you belive your doing your job when you are looking to randomly search other peoples properties? He wasnt wanted for murder or anything like that so im asking you, what was your reason to enter his apartment with the whole swat team? Polices of the paralake police department got a bunch of other things on their todo list, knocking on citizens doors asking to enter and if they won't cooperate you'll warrant them isnt one of those things..

  • I was on foot patrol around the map as I lag when I drive (Shit laptop), I was walking around Regals when I hear the words "baseball bat, weapon and growing", I try to identify where it was, Regal 2, and knock on the door and ask if I can come in, he says no. At the point I say "I'll have to get a warrant"
  • SWAT Team misheard my message, I asked for Officers to backup at Regal 2, except SWAT thought it was them, but it wasn't.
  • Also stop trying to turn this onto me, make a ban request on me if you're gonna keep trying to avoid the fact that you shot me and another Officer, risking 10 years or death over something you never even knew.

I've talked with both Ethan and Ozzain.

They say totally different things but I actually think Ozzain tells the most thruth since he sad

- I didn't see the phone on the screen so I though it was done, so he started speeding the demo up.

Ethan said this to me on steam:

- Finnan said "how long does it take to grow" or something, I then threatened to warrant, it's a scare tactic, he lets me in and I see the drugs

I don't really get what happend since you both say different things, but I think that it was weird of the acts Ethan did in the demo Ozzain provided.



If what you are saying is true, I'm going to change this to an +Support for sure.

Please Provoid an Demo ASAP;

I would also like to have an demo of the WHOLE roleplay situation, from the start when you arrest him and after just to make sure if it will be an +Support or -Support

Nice regards;


DO not reply to any Ban Requests/Appeals, as well as Warning Disputes unless you can provide any usefull information such as an additional Demo that shows the situation from a different angle.

Hope I do not have to say this over and over cause its getting a little annoying.
DO not reply to any Ban Requests/Appeals, as well as Warning Disputes unless you can provide any usefull information such as an additional Demo that shows the situation from a different angle.

Hope I do not have to say this over and over cause its getting a little annoying.
Just to let you know that was an old post check the new one i did 1'hour before you answered ?;)
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