5.2: forced withdrawals

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What rule do you wish to edit: 5.2
Your version of the rule with the changes highlighted in bold:

5.2 Forced Withdrawals​

In order to help preserve gameplay, players may not attempt to force other players to withdraw funds from an ATM/transfer funds from the mobile banking application from their phone. In addition, players may not force other players to withdraw items from their storage boxes/trunks, unless they are lawfully searching a storage container under Section 3 of the Paralake Penal Code. When searching storages , police may only seize items they can prove relate to the current roleplay situation, for example, if a user stores 1 Grenade, and the user has several in storage, police may only seize the 1 grenade. The other exemption is that players may force others to withdraw money or items when their belongings have been: Stolen, taken via scamming, or loaned to, by the player who refuses to return the belongings.

Why do you believe this rule should be edited:

This is to patch a potential oversight that whilst as of recently hasn’t been an issue, in the past it was. This is to prevent resurgence of police overstepping their boundaries and seizing items that didn’t relate to the current RP situation.
"This is to prevent resurgence of police overstepping their boundaries and seizing items that didn’t relate to the current RP situation."

Has this ever actually been a problem? I do remember some dude admitting to having 6000 coke which obviously was not THAT relevant to the 50 odd we wanted to seize lol
"This is to prevent resurgence of police overstepping their boundaries and seizing items that didn’t relate to the current RP situation."

Has this ever actually been a problem? I do remember some dude admitting to having 6000 coke which obviously was not THAT relevant to the 50 odd we wanted to seize lol
Cops used to con new players out of stuff by doing this. They’d also try taking mags off of players who used them in a crime.

A completely valid idea but the rules will not change at this stage as it has always been enforced the way you have described and no need to over-complicate things.
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