Posted for Synatec
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Rule 5.7 - Molotovs
Your version of the rule:
5.7 - Molotovs
Molotovs can only be thrown in another user their property when the person throwing it has lost over <DISCUSS AMOUNT> dollars worth of items. You have to be sure the items or property you are molotoving are owned by the user you are targetting for this attack.
When throwing a molotov all users should consider the surroundings of the molotov and what else it could damage, they can not throw it if it has the ability to spread to a different property or item and burns that aswell.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Currently throwing molotovs and when it is allowed to is very unclear, almost all admins have a different look on this, some allow certain scenarios, some don't. Adding this rule will make it more clear when you are allowed to throw a molotov so you won't get punished because of something being very unclear.
I came up with this idea after an admin sit with @Bolli