6 Non-Lethal TFU Grenades

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Description of the idea:

Stinger Grenade

On detonation this will produce a loud bang and it will release loads of small balls across the room which will stun and cause anyone pain that it comes in contact with. It should effect anybody that the grenade has line of sight with up to 10 metres, and anybody behind furniture within 2 metres of the grenade. It should take away maximum 10 HP for a direct hit, as this isn't designed to kill people.

Suggested Effects:
  • Moderately Restricted Movement Speed
  • Reduce up to 10 HP
  • Blurred Screen, up to 5 seconds
  • Temporary Hearing Distortion, up to 10 seconds, works through walls

Flash Grenade
A flash grenade is not the same as a stun grenade. A flash grenade should release between 3 to 7 loud explosions, these are used to distract the individual and should provide a short temporary blindness or restricted movement speed if you make eye contact with an explosion. They are not as loud as stun grenades.

Suggested Effects:
  • Slightly Restricted Movement Speed
  • Moderate White Screen, up to 2 seconds, and a further 6 seconds to fully fade out
  • Temporary Hearing Distortion, up to 10 seconds, works through walls

Stun Grenade
The stun grenade is basically the same as the one in-game already. It is one single explosion causing temporary blindness if you are looking at it. They are significantly louder and brighter than a flash grenade.

Suggested Effects:
  • Moderately Restricted Movement Speed
  • Significant White Screen, up to 5 seconds, and a further 10 seconds to fully fade out
  • Temporary Hearing Loss, up to 10 seconds, works through walls

Tear Gas Grenade
The tear gas grenade when thrown will leak gas into the room causing eye irritation, and eventually total blindness. It should also cause the charater to start coughing a lot. Heavy TFU should be exempt from the effects of tear gas. The effects should linger around for a few minutes.

Suggested Effects:
  • Constant Coughing, after 10 seconds of exposure.
  • Slightly Reduced Vision/Blurred Screen, after 15 seconds of exposure.
  • Moderately Reduced Vision/Blurred Screen, after 30 seconds of exposure.
  • Significantly Reduced Vision/Blurred Screen, after 45 seconds of exposure.

Dummy Grenade
You should also give TFU access to the Dummy Grenade. It could cause people to look away unnecessarily allowing us to rush in to kill Slaughters and Perpetrators with ease.

Smoke Grenade
We should also have access to a smoke grenade of some form, to allow us to cross dangerous death tunnels/hallways in a safer way. It would require optimisation to not lag people's games.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • More ways to deal with barricaded suspects
  • More realistic effects
  • TFU more balanced as people should fear police, not hunt them down like they do now
  • Less predictable entry methods
  • Entirely achieveable as a lot of what is suggested can be accomplished by copying the existing stun grenade and modifying the effects slightly

What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Sossa, Big Benji, Al Capone and other slaughter/perpetrator/la costa nostril will be upset because TFU is more balanced
  • Risk of lag with tear gas grenade/smoke grenade
*Other additions:

When I say deafening, I mean an ear ringing sound

*Images: [useful images]
+Support. I love this idea although, not so much the stinger grenade.
you have max amount of armour, if being shot at chest you will win the shootout. Also you have flash grenades that work fine as well as any rifle at your disposal, a basically bullet proof van that you can refill ammo at, 4 of you throwing these grenades in will be cancer
@Kempotent you sure it's not just because TFU actually knows how to look away? When I've been fucking around with flashbangs, I always seem to have the exact same effect on TFU as if I'm civi.
A massive presumption about PD being OP is that they have benefits that criminals do not have; of course they fucking do.

They never talk about when there's literally one cop on against a whole organisation trying to maintain law and order.

Balancing PD and Criminals has always been stupid IMO, a few people have made the argument that the Cartel does what they want, and yet they still resort to subterfuge to ensure profits. People drive around in supercars spraying everyone for the sake of it and that should be put to a stop.

This isn't APB Reloaded, get a grip.
As for the stingball grenade, I've debated learning some LUA so I could port over one from an insurgency mod. Rather than completely obstructing your vision, the stingball could just shake your screen for a few seconds, mildly damage you, and offer a very brief version of the nightstick stunning. On the other hand, they could just make a black version of the training grenade.

Smoke grenades would be kinda cool but could also be gigga cancer, especially when combined with metal detectors when defending. Also lag, smoke clipping through walls, and general minging would occur with it.

Tear gas would kind of be cool but disbalanced as fuck. I'd love to see it used but only for crowd control purposes, and maybe make the only way to be immune to it is with a gas mask that obstructs your vision.

Stun grenade would be essentially pointless, having a 7 burst grenade as a tactical distraction device wouldn't work on PERP as it wouldn't have the effect it would Irl.

Thanks for specifically mentioning that I'd be upset, of course I would be lmfao.

Personally however, despite all of these, I would much rather give supervisors access to some sort of less lethal primary, like a remington 870 with a yellow stock and pump that shoots beanbag rounds or a grenade launcher firing baton rounds.

I've been TFU Since September 2018 with no resignations or demotions, and I can tell you, as the game mode stands, Flashbangs are already far more than enough on what we need as TFU.

Also, considering like only 10% of the active playerbase are currently TFU, adding 6 new TFU exclusive variants of what are essentially alternative flashbangs would be a huge amount of development work all for nothing.

TFU more balanced as people should fear police, not hunt them down like they do now

Ok, let me go over exactly what TFU get that other players don't:
-Access to free guns that would cost a player up to 25k to make a single one
- Armour that allows you to take 8 5.56 bodyshots whilst your opponent will die in 4.
- Seamless communication without screen obstruction via the org teamspeak app
- An armoured van that's virtually indestructible against 90% of all PERP weapons
- C2 which is just a bobby pin with an 100% chance to work if you don't get wallbanged
- Backup of up to 16 other players
- An opportunity for someone to go watch CCTV Cameras to give you info
- Its essentially impossible to kill an officer stealthily due to them having life alerts, which is a terribly unrealistic feature, as realistically you could probably stealthily kill a cop if you had the skill without the rest of the force finding out until its reported by dispatch or a citizen.

Honestly no shame in dying as TFU, but if you're honestly complaining that TFU aren't already an incredibly powerful fighting force then maybe it's the player, not the game. Just because it got nerfed a few times doesn't mean it needs a buff. Just because cops are losing to big orgs with experienced players doesn't mean somethings overpowered. And just because you're losing, doesn't mean you didn't have a huge advantage to begin with.

Tl;Dr: Sting grenade is the only real thing I see that'd be remotely ok here.
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Lol, "but realistically cops should always win" ok buddy, except if cops won every fucking shootout, what'd be the point in not playing as a cop? It's a fucking game. That's like saying "CT's should always win on Counter strike, because then it'd be realistic" or "Cops should always catch you on need for speed". Its a video game, sure, we're emulating real life, but if you read the rules, you'll see its emulating real life to an enjoyable extent. Tell me what is enjoyable about a game where 1 side always wins solely at the responsibility of game mechanics as opposed to the individual skill of players.

Sounds less like you guys are suggesting actually good features for the game mode and the community and more like you're tired of fucking sucking, but aight.

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