7.2 - Explosives and Incendiaries, detonation

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East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Either add a new one or change the existing law.

What law do you wish to change/add: 7.2/7.3 (And shuffle the rest up)
7.2 Explosives and Incendiaries
It is illegal for a person to manufacture, possess, sell, or transport an explosive/incendiary device or to use or detonate an explosive or incendiary device.

Misdemeanor - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

Why should this change/addition be made: Currently for the detonation of an explosive device the maximum imprisonment is 3 years as it's listed as a misdemeanor. I suggest either the addition of the detonation of explosives/incendiaries law in itself and that it becomes a felony, or outline the guided length so that detonation is a felony.

What is the aim of this change/addition: An individual whom detonates an explosive will receive the different punishment to that of an individual whom possesses one.

Additional Information: None
Murtsley has highlighted a very good point here. It seems that mugging someone or reckless driving serves a more punishable sentence than the detonation of an explosive.

I know this game is not real life but it does try to emulate it. In real life, me detonating an explosive (whether it be a grenade in a field or a bomb etc) will result in an extremely harsh prison sentence. I believe it should be the same here with perp.

tl;dr :murtsley: is right big bangs are bad


Thank you for your input! This feedback is currently being considered further by the Policing and Policy department.

After this review is complete, the Chiefs of Department will consider the options available such as implementation, community feedback, etc. and you will be informed of any progress here.

Feel free to continue posting your views.
The working group of the Paralake City Council will work out a draft of this law suggestion. The Paralake City Council will discuss the draft in the next Council meeting.