Law 11.9

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change

What law do you wish to change/add:
I would like to see the law 11.9 "Discharging a firearm" get moved to the section 7: Offensive weapons category, as it doesn't really make any sense in my opinion for it to be under Section 11: Property and Possession crimes.

Why should this change/addition be made:
It makes more sense to have it under the section of the law that actually handles offensive weaponry. Section 7 already has a similar law, just about explosives (7.8, Detonation of explosives and Incindiaries). The changed law could be 7.9.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
This change would make the laws a little more uniform and the formatting would make more sense. Whenever I'm looking for the law 11.9 as an officer, I always first check under section 7 as it makes more sense to be under it rather than section 11.
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The reason it’s in the section 11 laws is because it’s for public and private property reasons, you can accidentally discharge the firearm and this is common on the server and then you inform police.

It’s not under section 7 because those section 7 laws link with malicious intentions or intended harm unlike 11.9 which is an accidental discharge or a law that links with 2.1 self defence that is used to justify the discharge in that circumstance in which an officer legally uses their discretion.

I don’t believe this should be moved or changed because discharging a firearm legally or accidentally isn’t really ‘offensive weapon’ needy at all nor should it be classed as a status like that.

Of course your suggestion is out of your own convenience but many others might not feel the same you do such as I do and others may or may not agree. I appreciate your time taken to make such a suggestion though.
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I can see your point, but the wording on the law just makes it seem like it belongs under section 11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't we just remove the property mention altogether in that law, because it doesn't really matter where you accidentally discharge your weapon. It could be out in the public or in private. And in my opinion, a gun is considered an offensive weapon regardless of if it is being used or not. We actually already have a mention of this in the law: "7.7 Sale of offensive weapons" as it handles all weapons as "offensive weapons".

Just because of the fact that the law mentions property doesn't necessarily mean that it should belong in section 11 in my opinion. I respect your view though and can see your point as well.
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Very respectable points, but technically the weapons aren’t really offensive until used unlawfully, 7.7 is just worded incorrectly in my eyes. It matters if you discharge in public and private and they aren’t the same, in public anyone is at a risk and in private only yourself and others occupied in a property are at risk. If guns were offensive then we’d loose guns over nothing and by just having them, guns are allowed on the main server and aren’t offensive until used unlawfully, E.G Shooting cops or someone during a raid.
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Perhaps the term "offensive weapon" is overall just incorrectly used in the section 7 and it could be changed to just 'weapons' as many of section 7's laws use the term "offensive weapon" in a misleading way. Nevertheless, law 11.9 also mentions public property, not just private property offenses. That's why I kinda view mentioning the property at all in the current law kind of pointless as, under its jurisdiction, public and private offenses are the same. And that's why I also view it kind of silly to have it under 'property and posession' crimes: there's really no point mentioning where the offense happens.

But you make a good point about the current 11.9 law being confusing, and perhaps it could get worded better alongside with moving it to section 7. It could just state that generally any discharges for no good reason are an offense regardless of the place.
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