9.13 Undertaking

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New

What law do you wish to change/add:
9.13 Undertaking
It is an offence where a person operating a motor vehicle undertakes another motor vehicle whilst travelling on a highway, they must instead overtake using appropriate indication.

Why should this change/addition be made: Just thought it would be an alright idea, might make Highway Driving a bit more realistic. I actually wrote this while playing American Truck Simulator so kind of inspired me a bit.

What is the aim of this change/addition: Again, make highway driving feel a bit better and stop people under taking really.

Additional Information: N/A
This isn't actually a law in real life (in America) and was made on American Truck Simulator for convenience really (seeing as it's a driving sim). In America, it's only prohibited if there's a sign placed on the highway/road (which out of all of my years of driving I've yet to actually see one). In the UK it's only considered illegal if it's done in a careless of reckless matter, otherwise it's generally legal.

Sometimes it's safer to undertake rather than overtake at times in real life and on the server. However, removing undertaking wouldn't necessarily cause that many issues in game it'd just only leave you with 1 option for maneuvering around a vehicle. It'd generally just be unrealistic for this to be a law.

United Kingdom - The Highway Code discourages undertaking on motorways with some exceptions (rule 268): "Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake". Undertaking is permitted in congested conditions when frequent lane changing is not recommended.[4] On other roads, the Code advises drivers "should only overtake on the left if the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right" (rule 163).[5] Rule 163 uses advisory wording and "will not, in itself, cause a person to be prosecuted", but may be used in evidence to establishing liability in any court proceedings.[6] On all roads, undertaking is permitted if the vehicles in the lane to the right are queueing and slow moving. Undertaking in an aggressive or reckless manner could be considered Careless Driving or more seriously Dangerous Driving, both of which are legally enforceable offences.

United States - Undertaking is usually allowed if not expressly forbidden by road signs.

Me = Current owner of a Californian Drivers license for a year, driven without one for another. Haven't been pulled over once and I recklessly drive every time I'm on the road.

Denied, this can already be covered by existing legislation

9.10 Reckless Driving
Any driver operating a vehicle who drives in such a manner that could cause injury to any other road user or pedestrian or in a manner that could cause damage to property commits the offence of recklessly driving.
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