9.8 Injury by Dangerous Acts

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New law

What law do you wish to change/add:
9.8 Injury by Dangerous Actions
It is a crime to cause harm to a person due to negligence.
Misdemeanor - Liable to $4000 fine and 5 years imprisonment.

Why should this change/addition be made:
This should be added because at the moment, if you hit someone with your vehicle and knock them out (later to be revived by a medic) you can only really be charged with 12.12 (Reckless Driving) as you can't 'attempt or plan manslaughter'.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
To help deter people from causing injury by accident and also increases awareness on the road.

Additional Information: Please advise me if 'Attempted Manslaughter' is a thing.
This should be added because at the moment, if you hit someone with your vehicle and knock them out
Your example fits 9.1 perfectly

Any person who applies or causes reckless injury to another person commits an offence.

Reckless driving >> knocking em out(res
ult of injury) but not killing him = above
Additional Information: Please advise me if 'Attempted Manslaughter' is a thing.
No you cannot attempt a crime which you did not intent to perform.
Might as well give my opinion on this:
I think that this suggestion is in place to make sure that people who ACCIDENTALLY injure someone else by negligence or dumb actions are not considered to be doing so on purpose hence giving them a shorter sentence, let's say someone isn't killed so manslaughter is not in place but they had no intent to injure anyone (drunk driving) and it wouldn't be fair to put them in as if they had tried to injure people. I understand people looking towards the attempted crimes (half the punishment of the offence) but it simply does not make sense to say attempted manslaughter, which is basically saying: attempted accidental murder via committing another crime. This law would make sense for the few but still present situations where accidental INJURY is caused by a commit crime or reckless action.
If only people looked at the laws ;'(. Anyways If they hit a guy with their car and they don't die its 12.11 driving without due care and attention. If they person dies after being hit and it was an accident it would be considered 9.6. If the person purposely hit them with their car is 9.2 assault with a deadly weapon and if the person dies and it wasn't an accident its 9.5. Please feel free to ask me question.
In my opinion if you run someone over then it is Physical Assault. As if you read the law description it fits perfectly.
Attempted manslaughter isnt a thing as law 9.5 says: "No person shall take the life of another person through negligence." its accidental murder, so you can't plan to accidentaly kill someone.
@Imperial Watch has already said this, try looking at the current laws before making a suggestion...



Well if Physical Assault is the same as Accidental Assault, would that mean Murder is the same as Manslaughter? Mabye change 9.1 to "with the intent of causing harm" and add this law

They are not the same? Murder is when you intentionally kill someone and manslaughter is when you kill someone by negligence (Accident).

@Imperial Watch has already said this, try looking at the current laws before making a suggestion...



They are not the same? Murder is when you intentionally kill someone and manslaughter is when you kill someone by negligence (Accident).


I do have to discuss with you:

Firstly, agreeing with you, the use of the term reckless injury is correctly used and you are correct, any criminal act that has cause injury will be considered physical assault.

Yet, manslaughter is by no means just an accidental death as negligence is actually describing how manslaughter is when death is caused by you committing a criminal act such as drunk driving and accidentally running someone over. The key point is that it has to be a criminal act.

Basically, it is correct to say this is covered by the laws but be careful what laws you describe as it could confuse some people to think any accidental death means someone can be done for manslaughter as it is not always the case.
Yet, manslaughter is by no means just an accidental death as negligence is actually describing how manslaughter is when death is caused by you committing a criminal act such as drunk driving and accidentally running someone over. The key point is that it has to be a criminal act.

Uh, not really.


If you accidentally drop a brick on someone and they die because you were messing about with your phone (Example, not related to perp really) its still manslaughter because you were not taking proper care. They were not breaking the law while building the house or whatever they were doing with said brick.

Manslaughter just means you were not taking proper care while doing something and it has ended up in loss of life, it doesn't have to be a criminal act followed by loss of life to be manslaughter.
Running someone over with a car, regardless of your intentions (accidental or on purpose), falls under 9.2.
Any person who applies or causes reckless injury to another person with any type of deadly weapon such as a firearm, bladed article or by means of force that is likely to cause great bodily injury.

Running someone over with a vehicle qualifies this to be a violation of 9.2 as a vehicle traveling at 5mph or over can cause great bodily injury. Just remember, ANYTHING can be used as a weapon, it is just a matter of how you use it. This law is not restricted to firearms and bats.

In regards to the OP. I do agree that it would make a great addition to the laws for other situations not related to running someone over, including the discharge of an explosive for "fun" in the forest with friends which ends up knocking someone out, shooting through a wall and accidentally hitting someone else (but not killing them). This suggestion, in my opinion, is something that would be a good addition to the laws. It has my support.