a discussion about clarification on names.

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:
3.1 In-Character Names
Your version of the rule:
Just a clarification really.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Alright, my beef is this part of the rule: "names must be realistic, relatively common". I'm seeing people being called Abdu whatever or Takeshi whatever, or Gary Smith. Are these defined as relatively common?
How about Xhantium Harper? How about Spadille Harper? Both first names being entirely unrealistic (being made up), yet allowed?

I feel that this rule needs some clarification. I understand that names are subject to an administrators discretion, but come on.
What is defined as common in Paralake? In Paralake's unofficial lore by the users, it's set somewhere within the United States, so what would be defined as a common name in the states?
i dont think that you should penalise people for having unusual names. If someone is called willie stroker or something silly like that then fine; get rid of it. But if people want a unique name that others can easily remember then let them have it. Daniel Darling isn't a hugely common name but it's not ridiculous either
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