A dream about roleplay...

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United Kingdom
Deep in my dream. A dream about roleplay. I traveled to an unknown place I couldn't remember very well at all, once I had woke up. A fence blocked me off, and my Phone apps didn't seem to work here. Unfortunately, I don't remember my dreams very well so here is all I know what happened guys:

I was roleplaying but it was PERP in real life! Yes yes, PERP in real life! I remember seeing multiple sweater vests around a sort of hangar inside the fenced off area I was in then I started interacting with them and I remember being banned for no reason. That was my roleplay dream. I also had another one which included PERP stuff in it, where I was escaping from prison and I saw cars from the server including PLPD cars so that was interesting.

I have lots of strange dreams and I can only vaguely remember them.

Post your roleplay dreams here guys I want to hear them or perhaps we've had same or similar dreams which could mean something...!
I had a dream last night that the premium advertisements suggestion got accepted and I was in-game and I was reading chat and the premium advertisements were about to show and a bomb went off so I missed them. It was so weird. @RussianSteampunkBuckethatEdgegirl
You really need to play perpheads less. Honestly, if it's affecting you so much that you're getting dreams about it that you decide to SHARE, you need to stop playing it.
It's alright, I had a dream about Finlay ramming me off then road for no reason in his Mini, and then I use my senior administrative powers to permanently ban him.
I dreamed a dream of bases gone by
When crime was high
And meth worth making
I dreamed that I would never die
I dreamed that the PLPD would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid
And money was made and used and wasted
There were ransoms to be paid
No house unraided
No burgers untasted

But the police come at night
With their rams loud as thunder
As they tear your house apart
As they confiscate your guns