A Helicopter in Paralake City

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I make his video becouse Alabin Lundmark think "the skybox are to LOW"

Now you can see, the Sky box is enough ;)

This looks mega dank.
I used to believe that choppers in PH would be stupid, but after watching this, I'm starting to believe these would be amazing for a speed enforcer type job, it looked mega dank swooping through the highway. (Especially since there's higher tier cars that the speed enforcer just can't keep up with.)
Here's what I can see going wrong
  • Crashes all the time by inexperienced pilots making silly decisions
  • Interfering with admin sits
  • People using it to disturb events
Even if the skybox is big enough people would minge etc as Chrissy said. However if you had a fps drop you would crash the chopper, cause lag. And if the chopper crashed how would you transport it?
Heres how to fix many problems:
-Make it a whitelist job, they have to have a good PC and very rarely lag ( Also some IC training.)
- Put the launch pad in forest somewhere, that way not gonna disrupt any RP.
- You could tell them that interfering with admin sits / events would get them removed from whitelist.
- I played a server with 60 players and helicopters, with constant shooting, never lagged much (Vietnam War TDM)
This cant be added, At any point i think, Cause it can eat up FPS, And it also makes a ton loads of crashes, And it can also go into events and break a load of rules, And it can also crash inside the forrest, Making a huge forrest fire, Which also makes lag, And it can just make a load of lag, Really, It simply cant be added. Nuff said.
-Make it a whitelist job, they have to have a good PC and very rarely lag ( Also some IC training.)
You would get to many replies/applications and it would be unfair towards players with a bad computer. Not only to mention that Players would keep messaging Administrators for the whitelist.

- Put the launch pad in forest somewhere, that way not gonna disrupt any RP.
That would not change much as you could still fly around the map and as soon as you see a admin sit on the roof you would fly there and interrupt it. Now you could say if they still do it they get banned etc etc but its just a complete waste of time for administrators.

- You could tell them that interfering with admin sits / events would get them removed from whitelist.
As i already stated above... Even if you get punished for it, its just a waste of time for administrators to deal with.

- I played a server with 60 players and helicopters, with constant shooting, never lagged much (Vietnam War TDM)
There is a huge difference between our server and others as we use by far more custom content which of course is not performance friendly.

With other words it would be rather annoying then fun to have it.
Fps drops can destroy the Heli. but if the Lags are Fixed, i think it works!
Well ill give Neutral becouse:

You can crash really easily, with lags and its pretty hard to drive at first, I believe. And repair costs would be pretty much, if were realistic.

But it would be really cool and good to have 1, if it would work decently :). It would help SWATs or/and speed enforcer jobs alot.

And ofc I think you need a different landing place and fuel stations for it.

Yeah and about the bugs, invisible wall and bam :D.