A map suggestion

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Topic: Captain Herbert memorial

Short explanation (in notes):
- As you may know he died in 2014
- Memorial / statue

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Well Jonathan was a well known player to PERPheads and gained a good reputation, I would really hope to see a statue or a little area for Jonathan Malling / Hachirou Kagura who was 16 when he peacefully passed away back in 2014, he never actually got to see para-lake so I would love to see a memorial for him.

Hopefully this gets implemented, ps I also spoke to XQuality before but I think he was tired.

Optional additions:
- A small statue like Bolli's statue
- A place in the park
Man, the guy died on my birthday... even though i didn't know the guy I think it'd be nice to have a memorial of the guy as a sign of respect, RIP Herbert
I think this would be an amazing way of remembering him!
I never did get to meet him, but I've heard stories about him.
I know if any of us were to pass away, we'd love to be remembered by this community as-well.
Sorry but could somebody fill me in on who Captain Hebert is?

EDIT: Nevermind, I actually read the thread.
I think this is a very nice and friendly thing to do. I'm 100% supporting it.
Also heard some background story of him, there also was a news article about his death somewhere, if someone could find it and post it here that would be lovely lads.

Small EDIT:Seems like the site has been RIP'ed, that's a shame...

Anyways, something similiar like Bolli's Testicle should definetely be done.An alternate spot would be the Church graveyard, where he may rest in peace...

+Support, even though this would require a new release of Paralake as the memorial requires some new brushes and entities if neccessary.I could be wrong on this part, but screw it.
To be honest I don't see why, yes obviously it's sad to see him passing away but it's not really like he did something big for the server? I'm not saying that it should not be added nor am I saying it should be added I'm just asking what did he do to get a statue on the server? I would like to see if Swiper left the server for example then get a statue of him or something.
While were at it, lets give the guy who threatened to sue us a statue..
I'm not disrespectful in anyway, but I don't really care, it would end up in people making more threads about people who have died, and adding something to the server like a plaque/memorial to a load of dead people would just be grim, I would think a few people have died and we just don't know.

Pls no h8
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I knew him, we were good friends. I based with him alot in the small subs house in evo.
-Support He wasn't a developer/owner of PH he was a player with bad reputation and many bans on hs record.
@Xquality If you are going to spend your time for this shity suggestion I want you to make a statue for every single player who got perma banned from the server.
For example make 10 statues for Jarred and spread them everywhere.
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Why would I want to remember this guy? He made life more difficult as an admin as he was always breaking the rules as he could never get them into this dense skull. I can see that if you knew him in real life you might care but I don't see why any of us should give a fuck.
This is a sad story to hear at first of course I did not believe it but I do now and as a Muslim it is my duty to pray for everyone's health and we'll being and unfortunately this person passed away before I can meet him a statue would be an amazing thing to do and hopefully he can look at us from the heavens with a smile rather than a frown for we have remembered him and he probably would of never expected this:

This is for request by liquifiedcactus
ذه قصة حزينة لسماع في البداية بالطبع لم أصدق ذلك، ولكن أفعل الآن ونتيجة ل مسلم أن من واجبي للصلاة من أجل صحة الجميع وسنقوم كونها و للأسف هذا الشخص توفي قبل أن أتمكن من مقابلته ل أن التمثال يكون الشيء المدهش أن تفعل، و نأمل أن يتمكن من ينظرون إلينا من السماء بابتسامة بدلا من عبوس لأننا نتذكر له وانه ربما لم يتوقع من هذا:
+ دعم
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