Server Suggestion A method of threatening the mayor

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Description of the idea:
Add a suggestion box in city hall which allows you to submit anonymous messages to the mayor for a $100 fee.

Anything put in the box within a character limit is sent to the mayor via his text chat 30 seconds after the note has been submitted to the box, This is to give people time to leave after leaving a threat.

This would allow users to "Threaten" the mayor without use of adverts, as recent punishments show this is an issue people are being punished for however with very little workaround beyond putting your freedom at risk by calling the mayor.

Potential for abuse can be curbed entirely by including it as a chat log.

The reason I'm suggesting this as opposed to giving the mayor a dedicated phone number is calls and texts can just be ignored unlike these messages which would be shown directly to the mayor through his text chat.

For a model, I'm sure cs_office has props that suffice, alternative for ease of development, could just make it look like a book.

The message would be sent as such:
"[Suggestions box] Lower sales taxes mayor or I KOS!111"
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes sense
- Method of threatening mayor without their phones being involved (Because they could just not answer the phone if the mayor had his own number)

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Possible misuse (Albeit minor and curbable)​
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This is cool but feels like it might take a while to make and slightly unnecessary imo? Feels like there’s an easier solution like anonymous adverts, changing the rules slightly etc
This is cool but feels like it might take a while to make and slightly unnecessary imo? Feels like there’s an easier solution like anonymous adverts, changing the rules slightly etc
The issue is adverts threatening violence are deleted and as previous punishments showed in recent times adverts aren’t used to threaten mayors as a legitimate form of warning.
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The issue is adverts threatening violence are deleted and as previous punishments showed in recent times adverts aren’t used to threaten mayors.
Yeah, which is why I suggested a rule change if this would be considered a better solution, I’m not keen on it but I feel an ‘anonymous suggestion box’ is a fairly extensive solution to a very small problem (which isn’t really a problem considering you don’t need to threaten the mayor, merely suggest taxes are lowered via adverts)
+ Support

I think this would be a nice way for people to officially voice their concerns or requests to the Mayor.

However, I disagree that it should just post to the chatbox. If this was the case, they could just sit in a secluded area hiding while receiving threatening messages etc. to solve this, could the mayor have to talk to the person at city hall to receive messages or similar? This would also potentially solve the adverts being deleted issue, but as you say could unfortunately just lead to them being ingored.
+ Support

I think this would be a nice way for people to officially voice their concerns or requests to the Mayor.

However, I disagree that it should just post to the chatbox. If this was the case, they could just sit in a secluded area hiding while receiving threatening messages etc. to solve this, could the mayor have to talk to the person at city hall to receive messages or similar? This would also potentially solve the adverts being deleted issue, but as you say could unfortunately just lead to them being ingored.
But then mayors don’t know they’ve been threatened because they set Taxes high and think someone’s camping city hall. This also could result in more confusion for newer mayors who may not know about the feature, alongside mayors who just don’t care never receiving their feedback.
Personally i think this is a great idea. Also it doesn't always have to be used for Threats, it can be also used for simple requests like increasing the wages of the hard working people of paralake, or simply lowering the taxes. I don't think the "Suggestion box" would be purely used for Threats only. It would give players a good way of contacting the Mayor directly without having to advertise it to the whole city. However the original idea of the post would also be used like in some cases a little reminder of what can happen for failing to acknowledge the people's needs. All in all very good idea.
It is worth mentioning that when people make adverts towards the mayor more often than not they tend to be of extremely shit or of unrealistic quality. I think if a player shows sufficient effort to contact the Mayor through direct means (either by finding him or attempting to find his phone number, to talk to him directly), and fails to do so, he should be able to make advertisements along the lines of: "Mayor makes no effort to bring changes and better the economy, which causes people to protest over 50% sale tax at Bazaar! Local salesman X Y is claiming he will be taking the matter in his own hands to preserve his shop if Mayor doesn't salvage the economy soon and lower taxes!".

While it might be somewhat hard to investigate these precisely, I think if logically the Mayor was in the hiding as observed by a staff member and has never allowed any form of communication or addressed any kind of concerns of very poor city management (either by lowering the taxes or announcing them being lowered), and then a player decides to kill him after attempting through multiple means to find him and contact him (ultimately resorting to an example I've given above), it is perfectly allowed.

This is also covered in the rule itself:

The mayor may only be assassinated if it sufficiently benefits the players involved or if the mayor has negatively affected the players in a severe personal way. Where possible, players should attempt to directly convince the Mayor to improve city management or change their tax policies before attempting an assassination.
you should have it so you talk to the drug dealer he ''says wanna send a message huh {threaten}''
and then it shows a list of all players then it sends that player a threat by either the drug dealers number ectara
the person who sent it will be hidden but there is a moderator log if need be
the fee could be like 100 bucks for civs and 500 for gov officals
the reason im recommending it being sent by the Drug dealer is because he is a dodgy bloke and most '' secret message boxes'' have camera's pointed at them
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i will pay 100$ to call the mayor a "retard" "bitch" and a "whore" since it's anonymous. Thats amazing and also absolutely useless
/anon (Message) is an anonymous tweet, would be 20x easier and better. Also to make it easier to promote illegal activity.
It is worth mentioning that when people make adverts towards the mayor more often than not they tend to be of extremely shit or of unrealistic quality. I think if a player shows sufficient effort to contact the Mayor through direct means (either by finding him or attempting to find his phone number, to talk to him directly), and fails to do so, he should be able to make advertisements along the lines of: "Mayor makes no effort to bring changes and better the economy, which causes people to protest over 50% sale tax at Bazaar! Local salesman X Y is claiming he will be taking the matter in his own hands to preserve his shop if Mayor doesn't salvage the economy soon and lower taxes!".

While it might be somewhat hard to investigate these precisely, I think if logically the Mayor was in the hiding as observed by a staff member and has never allowed any form of communication or addressed any kind of concerns of very poor city management (either by lowering the taxes or announcing them being lowered), and then a player decides to kill him after attempting through multiple means to find him and contact him (ultimately resorting to an example I've given above), it is perfectly allowed.

This is also covered in the rule itself:

This ^^^ I don't really see the point in having this added. Adverts, if used correctly, are already a good way of doing this. If you want to kill the mayor but refuse to even put the effort into looking for him / make a realistic advert then you don't really need the mayor to die
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