TFU and the PD in general being more balanced
I've heard several discussions about the PD and citizens and how there is a weird advantage sometimes for citizens and sometimes for officers, these are a couple problems i feel need to be addressed whilst in the PD.
Number 1 problem and a problem everybody talks about is....the SWAT van.
In my opinion, the SWAT van ruins the whole concept on gunfights if overused, Yes i do think it should be a thing however these policies that are forever changing, and seeing higher up people doing whatever they like in them really confuses me. One minute, something's against policy and the next its not.
One policy being swat vans should only be used to run people over if completely necessary however as you can see in this video here, @Samuel is ploughing an unarmed person down.
(Also being shot at, when i only have a gun on my back and have not discharged it once)
I do not think it was a necessary for him to run over him to be fair.
Number 2 problem being Cockiness whilst in the van:
Shown in this video (0:14 seconds in)
Number 3 problem:
Some taking a large amount of shots and some not taking a large amount of shots:
1st exhibit: 0:03 seconds in, 2nd exhibit: 0:59 seconds in.
I've also tested on academy server that it takes 2 headshots with an Ak-47 with compensator on to kill a TFU despite them not wearing head armour in the player model shown:
I've seen several TFU even tell me there OP as fuck. Shoutout to @Janice
Possible Solutions are:
Like it was supposed to be at first TFU patrolling with standard MP5's and light armour and having to return to the station to get heavy armour and M4's.
@Creepis was my source.I've heard several discussions about the PD and citizens and how there is a weird advantage sometimes for citizens and sometimes for officers, these are a couple problems i feel need to be addressed whilst in the PD.
Number 1 problem and a problem everybody talks about is....the SWAT van.
In my opinion, the SWAT van ruins the whole concept on gunfights if overused, Yes i do think it should be a thing however these policies that are forever changing, and seeing higher up people doing whatever they like in them really confuses me. One minute, something's against policy and the next its not.
One policy being swat vans should only be used to run people over if completely necessary however as you can see in this video here, @Samuel is ploughing an unarmed person down.
I do not think it was a necessary for him to run over him to be fair.
Number 2 problem being Cockiness whilst in the van:
Shown in this video (0:14 seconds in)
Number 3 problem:
Some taking a large amount of shots and some not taking a large amount of shots:
1st exhibit: 0:03 seconds in, 2nd exhibit: 0:59 seconds in.
I've also tested on academy server that it takes 2 headshots with an Ak-47 with compensator on to kill a TFU despite them not wearing head armour in the player model shown:
I've seen several TFU even tell me there OP as fuck. Shoutout to @Janice

Possible Solutions are:
Like it was supposed to be at first TFU patrolling with standard MP5's and light armour and having to return to the station to get heavy armour and M4's.
This allows an advantage for defenders at the first instance however if police are organised and prepared they will know what to go get before entering the possible dangers.
Another being like said before SWAT vans destroyed by large amount of shots like 10 mags worth say, so that or perhaps a sniper.
This allows TFU to get away whilst being shot at, as 10 mags aren't going to be sprayed at once and also gives a chance of defenders peaking and shooting and an objective to continuously shooting the van.
I understand the whole "But PD are good in real life, so why they must be able to clap citizens ezpz" yes but you got to bare in mind if this happened the server would be dull.
This isn't a whole 'PD should go back to how it was when they were getting rekt everyday every hour' thread, its a simple sometimes citizens fuck up cops, sometimes PD like absolutely bum civs.
I think this would be a highly bias thread if i wasn't to put on the problems of citizens.
1st problem:
When raiding some organisations raid with 10 men, and this makes it nearly impossible for officers when there is hardly any tfu online. Now this tends to not happen when the SWAT van is not being overused.
This is where, this gets confusing as, when SWAT van is being overused police have an unfair advantage however, when cops don't they seem to get fucked.]
However this being said, yesterday i witnessed a raid on my org with like 4 tfu
@Draxen , @Dom_ , @Creepis and i believe another TFU but i do not remember the name.
I have to give credit where credit is used, these 3/4 TFU proved that the SWAT van is not always needed to defeat 12 men. I saw the swat van barely used and they really did demolish us. @TinySlayer was spectating lol.
This proves that the SWAT van doesn't always have to get used and that '10 men with assault rifles' isn't an excuse in some cases. They did an excellent job with minor casualties.
2nd problem:
I've seen flankers being used a lot in many cases, i even do it myself. There is many people who die, wait out NLR and come back and flank the police force when they have gained entry to a building for example. On the other hand, i do see cops doing this as well, however i must say citizens seem to come back with rifles however citizens come back with remi's and berreta's and sometimes TFU die.
I believe something needs to be addressed where there is a non-stop fare shootouts on the server and people do not have to use the advantages of flankers, and the swat van to kill each other.
I have heard about TFU possibly getting SR-25's for example and other things that seem to keep on being developed. Would this give them even more of an advantage? I think the SR-25's if added would be used by a lot of TFU. And you will see @Slayerduck picking people off one bye one.
As for all this 'make an IA' stuff, people believe that officers use this as a way of getting out of rule breaks. What are your thoughts on this?
This is just a discussion post, please leave your thoughts. Strictly my opinion.
I attempted to make this post as unbiased as possible and giving 2 points of view as i am a senior officer myself.
This Post Took Me A While To Write So Would Appreciate It If You Would Read Completely.